Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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November 29, 2021
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My, I'm stuck on the 3rd level xD
I'm stuck on the second level! ;_;
@Yu Pay attention to the direction of the paw prints in the book. Look for any useful tools that might be a bit hidden.
Stuck on level 20 can't figure out the 2nd dial code
Finally got 20, but now stuck on 21 with the cat on the camera
Stuck on 5th... With a pen.
Any hint?
Stuck at 16. Can't remember the last ones to help. Could do with some way of getting hints.
In love with Bart proposals, It's my 1st try to play by a android to windows emulator, I choose by chance LDplayer, I could have choosen Bluestack.. what's your advice ?
Bart, you should know, you can't find it in the App Store by searching "Cat Escape". It's actually "CatEscape-Daily Room Escape" (note the no-space)
Is there a trick to entering the code on level 4?
Pretty sure my math is right, but it won't take the code.
@Anonymous 19:33 Or you can just click the App Store link in my description ;)
@Anonymous 05:22 For level 4, the logic is: x + y + z = (x + y), (y + z), (x + y + z)
Thanks Bart. I did that but the box will not accept the code. Entered the number and the # sign but it won't take it. Suggestions for opening the box anyone?
Did you ever get this level
Hey... What is the combination for level 3? I found the clues, but I'm not getting it.
Hint for level 3: Clue is in the red book; which way did the cat walk?
Scroll past if you gotta (Level 4):
Ok, I'm trying to be vague and not give anything away, but I'm stuck on level 4. Figured out the code, found a flowerpot... and, that's it. Plugging in the code isn't helping, nothing unlocks... where am I missing it?
Wish they had a hint system. I'm stuck on level 9, can't figure out the lower box code
Manages to get through 16, just put random colours until I got a key to be honest. Really stuck on 20, can't even work out the first code. put p in upside down? I have no idea. Clues would be great.
Did anyone figure out what to do with the pen on level 5?
lol never mind
stuck with the third light bulb in level 6. obviously has something to do with the cat's paws pointing and the cabinets but cannot figure out the order for the life of me
Thought it's supposed to this order of cabinets: middle, left, right, right, middle, left but that doesn't work.
What is going on with level 7? Its just a bunch of doors and rooms. Any pattern to this thing?
Level 4: Don't type in A,B,C - use them instead according to the rule.
Anon @ 1:19: Did you ever figure out the lower box code for 9th level? I want to think it has something to do with the box of numbers but I'm only guessing. I'm stuck as well.
No, still stuck on 9 unfortunately. I can't figure out that lower box
I'm stuck on 20! Can't figure out if I'm putting in the first code wrong
Found a walkthrough for the first 10 levels if anyone needs
Anyone got any hints for level 12? The Roman Numerals?
Don’t forget the label -5
Awesome! Thank you!!! Now to conquer these darned "X" figures!! How do you guys figure these things so fast!! Thank you again, Tounetou!
I'm stuck on level 31... I encounter a code I never met before
Stuck on 30 after getting the "fork" and "hammer" Not sure what to do next?
you have to open the second code box, using the tip of the cake
Tounetou aha - thank you.
Just trying it now and the cake tip is not helping me. Are you able to be more specific.
I try a clue :
It is not a number, but 6 on 7 are allowed.
I am stuck on level 12. I can see something shiny in the birdhouse but can't reach it. I have lumber but no way to make a ladder. Also have a saw and a key. Need one more item for the box with shapes to fill
Nevermind! got it
Anonymous Tounetou said...
I try a clue :
It is not a number, but 6 on 7 are allowed.
6 December 2021 at 16:17
Thanks - I will keep trying with that in mind.
Got 30 thank you. (at least to the green note anyway....)
Got to 31, are you stuck on the t shirt clue? Thats really confusing.
Yes, I don’t get it. I don’t have ether the code for the four button closet.
Need help with level 29, anyone have a clue for what to do with the picture to the right of the door?
Been stuck on 16 for days. I can't make sense of the colors. Sometimes a certain combination makes a symbol, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes a completely different combination makes the same symbol. UGH!!!!
Anyone give a hint?
Each of the colors corresponds to a direction. This holds true even when you don't have all the colors. Use the map in the drawer to figure out what direction each color moves you. Once you do, put in the combo that gets you to where you want to go on the map.
Briliant! Thank you so much Anonymous 21:39!
Was there a clue somewhere I missed that indicated that colors were correlated to directions or is that just something the player is supposed to stumble on to?
For level 29, you have to fold the paper (by imagination). The code will appear
Need a little nudge on 19 with the 6 digits in the green box. I think I mostly have it, but apparently something is wrong so now I’m second guessing all of it.
Where am I going wrong?
For the first one I have solid star = 8, hollow = 14, so 22.
Next (this one is reaching) red and yellow make orange so 67.
And last one #s greater than 5: 7,8,8,9,6 so 5, and #s greater or equal to 7: 7,8,8,9 so 4 thus 54
Put it all together and I have 226754, which is WRONG.
I’ve even tried brute forcing one of the sets, confident in the other 2 and still no go, so apparently my logic is missing something.
For that last set of digits, it's less than 5 and less than or equal to 7, not greater. You'll notice that there are more than nine digits less than or equal to 7, so perhaps there's something else you can observe.
Also your middle set of digits is on the right track but not correct.
On another note, can anyone give a clue for what to with the t-shirt clue on level 31? I have that and some green chip and have no idea what to do with either
Thanks @Anonymous 04:38 but I guess I need another hint. I saw that there were 9 numbers less than or equal to 7 so that’s why I went with less than :) what else am I supposed to observe from that clue?
Also no idea what else I can decipher from the orange blob. ??
I do see the lit areas at the bottom of panes 1 & 2 and the very corner of 3 (highlighting only the “e”) is that any significance?
Thanks again!!
Ugh typos “I saw there were more than 9 that were less than or equal to 7 that’s why I went with more than”
don't add them, look at the shapes they're arranged in on the board.
orange = red + yellow. Add those numbers.
Level 20. Second safe combination? Any hints
For level 20, just count the fingers
Eureka!!! Thank you soooo much @Anonymous 04:33
Level 9 - Hint:
Tapping is not the only gesture available.
stuck on level 31 with a green rag and a screw. Any hints?
I found a website with a walkthrough, but it's in Japanese. Google Translate works pretty well on it, though. https://www-iphoroid-jp.translate.goog/appli/detail/6234?_x_tr_sl=ja&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc
X=X Note: that walkthrough website has content that is NSFW and inappropriate for children
X=X but helpful all the same until someone finds another.
On level 22 in the kitchen, how do you get the five steam temp water in the measuring cup. I get to five steam, but it does not fill the cup. I do not know how to place the cup under the faucet.
Anonymous @ 17.15 Dec 15 I had same problem til I touched water stream from faucet when 5 steams are showing.
If you watch stage select screen for a long time (maybe a minute), it changes. :-)
On level 24 you can get the key very easily, without solving any puzzle, I think it is a bug. I went back, and I solved the puzzles just to see, what would be the right way, and there is a right way. :-)
Do a random order at first and watch closely for a clue next to one of the doors.
Have you seen any of these symbols somewhere else in the room?
I'm totally stuck on level 10.
Pretty sure the book clue is for the blue 4-digit drawer code, but I can't figure out how to apply it.
If that's not it, any idea how to get the cat off the ladder?
For level 10: in the book it is a "code ladder", and the way you use it: start from above with number 1, 2 or 3, and go downwards. Whenever you reach a junction, you take the detour, and in the next junction downwards again. For example, starting with 1 the code is 1-4-8-9. This way you get three codes, but only one of them fits on the drawer.
You don't need to bother the cat the ladder. :-)
Thanks! That worked but I'm still stuck on the same level. I figured out the clock plant growth numbers but can't make the plant bloom. I put the plant in the icebox at 5 and nothing happened at 10.
It should work. Don't give up, you are almost done! :-) It is easier if you keep the fridgedoor open and use only the faucet for timing.
Thank you so much Wylywyz! Worked like a charm
Ok, I knew I could move the icons on the menu but... I left the Stage Select screen for a while and the cats started moving OMG XDDD
Lol 30… I drew the sun, is it supposed to do anything?
I meant lvl hahaha
Based on the previous comment about YouTube, I checked the same channel that was linked and and they have video walkthroughs for all the levels. You can also copy and paste this text into the YouTube search bar:
CatEscape 脱出ゲーム ねこ猫catネコ (Kana Yamamoto) Walkthrough
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