Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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fun! I like it =)
stuck at 2A just now though..
Stuck 2C...
For 2A use the box to block you flight.
@Long Peter
but surely it also has to go into that hole, right?
Fun puzzlescript entry- odd ending but enjoyed it. :-)
On 2C, here's a tip, you only have to use the banana to hit blocks twice, what chain reactions and manual pushing make that possible?
if you go over the banana on the left, you need to stop flying.
that is where to put the box, right of the lower banana
I'm stuck on 3C. Evidently I need to throw one of the blue blocks into the small pit beyond the exit, but they fall down one of the big pits first. Has anyone solved that one?
I'm stuck at 3C, as well.
3C: the blue block needs to take a run up to fly too, don't put it directly on the banana ...
(pissed me off this one!)
Thanks, PP, I thought that was likely. I can't see how to get it into that position, though, and still get behind it to push - there aren't enough blocks, and one of them has to go into the top hole in the second column in order to get at the rest, or am I wrong there?
You're right ... and you doubt it, there are enough blocks.
The trick is to find the path to get behind the last blue: you have to think of going through the bottom
Thank you PP - that did the trick for me!!
Anyone have tips for 4C?
DR, is that the one with columns of slots? Which part are you stuck on?
Oh wait, I think that was 4B and 4C was the one with a crowd of pits and bananas in the centre. I think the key is to put the same roadblock in place 3 times.
4C has 2 boxes - one at top, one on right. 3 bananas in middle. Checkerboard square at top near box. Just can't figure out what I need to do - not sure I understand what you mean same roadblock in place 3 times.
FINALLY figured out 4C - thank you. Tip did help!
Blocked on the 4A.
I can't figure out what to do for several days :)
I know where to put the 3 blocks so they can, at the same time stop me before falling in a hole and be pushed directly at their aim.
But I don't know how to go at the first banana with them in their place.
Oh. I just figured out. 5 days without seeing it. And at the time I decided to ask a tip, I found.
Great game by the way :)
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