Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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Got all the ingredients mixed in bowl and cupcake pan, can't get mixture into pan.... FRUSTRATION.
Would you normally make cupcakes straight in the pan?
WOOT! got it!
me too - Yumm yumm yumm-cupcakes are YUMMY :)
where can I find the key (or whatever) for the green board?
The hint on the second cupcake-paper doesn't work anywhere...:-(
And how do I get the cupcake on the window?
Got it :-)
Didn't see the stick
Wooh got it without help, was a little trouble finding everything you need. Its easy to think 'I'm stuck'.
love it
How do you pour the mixture into the pan?
@Lindsey, read the 2nd comment, was a good hint for me ;)
@ Kata Oh wait....I just got it XD
I got to find and eat all twelve total cupcakes! Nice puzzles and good clues. Also had panning trouble but that is what I get for usually baking with well greased pans for cake not cupcakes! Thanks Bart!
Yes I would like to eat some as well, please sent a box to 123 Main Street, and make them brown not yellow.
Molto carino, grazie Bart
Got it but now stuck on pouring batter in cupcake pan need butter to grease
Got it thanks my man Bart
I found 10, not 12 cupcakes....I got out. Where's the other 2, Donut Lover?
First thought: Wow, someone wants to be Funkyland! :)
Second thought: Uh, no, this is way harder than Funkyland.
Two hints for anyone who's stuck:
1. Look at, and interact with, everything you pick up. You might be surprised at what you can do with just it (no other items needed).
2. The stick is really important and is just hiding there in plain sight. You'll either see it right away, or hit yourself later when you do.
@Midge: I believe Donut Lover's talking about the two that you "eat" which gives you the cupcake papers.
Yes I did mean the two other colored cupcakes! I never use the mixes though, "The Joy of Cooking" all the way!
Sì, è proprio molto carino!
Thanks, Bart :)
Geez, I can't believe how much I struggled with trying to figure out how to make the cupcakes, when the answer was so simple :P . I liked this game though.
I really really can't find the stick :-(
Thanks for the hint about interacting with inventory items. I wasn't hungry, so I didn't think about eating cupcakes.
Those cupcakes at the end looked yummy! I want to eat them... :(
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