Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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September 22, 2011
hoshi saga ringohime

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Excellent! Love this series!
no one said it so I will'
this episode is pretty easy comparing to the previous ones. despite that, it is very enjoyable as always. thanx bart!
Yes, nice one! I love the "find the star" series...
Got all but three stuck on stage 76 how do you turn on the other lamps?
Wow! That was rare for me...got through all levels without any assistance.
In leven 76 there is a panel with lightswitches behind it
Stuck on level 80. I'm drawing a star shape but it doesn't seem to work.
Actually ignore that.
Could someone give a hint for level 80?
For Level 80, you do not need to draw anything. Try focusing somewhere beside the head, too!
Yay, thank you!
Stage 90? Seriously stumped.
Loading the game takes foreeeeever, yawn.
loading each level too, double yawn. Too bad, I really want to play.
For 90 you have to click on the 3 pieces that will make a star.
Any hints on 91?
Any advice for stage 93
91--keep shooting those arrows, you'll find it.
93--there is a piece of curtain at the bottom that can be moved out of the way. that should help you move things around.
slow 2 load
Having problems with this one loading. I got the first stage without problem, but none of the others will load. :(
thank you
Great Game I love the hoshi saga
help with stg 98
@ anonymous 23 Sept, 00:01 -
Grab the upper right, outside the tetris screen, place to "remove" the large block at the bottom.
Got it to work in Chrome, but still quite a wait for loading. Worth it, though. :)
Tsking forever to load levels. w/ FF.
It's taking so long to load. Are there any other links to this game?
WOO! I finished it! I'll admit that I had to use a walkthrough that I found for some of the levels. A few of them had me stumped.
Can't load it either. What's going on? Any ideas?
For 95, you have to pull the big shapes OFF the screen, not into it.
I have added 2 alternative links in case the main one is busy, cheers!
love it!!! I want more!!!
yay a new hoshi saga!!!
mine wont load
@tammy: try one of the alternative links from the post
level 80 need a better clue thanks
Lvl 80 - keep the head moving until the tail appears and then click on it
Mmmmh, to wait or not to wait (and loose the progress) that's the problem!
To wait, of course! I'm too lazy :P
Veeeeery nice game, anyway ;)
Oh yeah! Another Hoshi Saga game! I love this series! I found it easier than others, actually.
and 83?
Yes, rather too easy this time. Straight through in one go. Super slow to load. Still worth it, for the sheer ingenuity.
amazing!!! i love this series!! I fond all 25 Stars on my own... i didn't need any help. I think this was the easiest one so far, wasn't it?
love the hoshi saga series...easily one of the most fun...almost got stuck on 99 but stuck with it...delightful!
Yaaaay!! These games are pretty cool :D
Great little game and not too demanding either!
I can't for the life of me solve Level 80 though.
Marco (Germany)
the loading is a bit long
To: Marco(Germany) drag the snake around until the tail is visible. Then click. Done!
Cuuuuuute!!! :D
a little disappointing...it's much easier than the last ones
nice easy game
Having problems with 90?? Anyone who can give a hint?
To solve 90 pick three pieces that make a complete star
OOPS make that 4 pieces
Level 86? :S
Help is appreciated..
Oh! Duh, that was easy. For 86 you just keep spiraling the half star up.. -_- I fail.
I solved this the other day, but didn't comment at the time. The hardest thing about it was waiting for the levels to load. And the snake one held me back for minute, but it was pretty easy over all.
level 81 please?
also level 83, please?
nevermind, i got 81 :)
Aaaand... finished! Great game, Bart. I really enjoyed this series. (That was the most epic final boss ever.)
Level 83: Keep clicking each star segment until it forms a blue star in the upper left hand corner.
I found the star on the first level (also tried a couple of others) but nothing happens.. I mean I can't click on the star and get it "done". What am I doing wrong?
If the star isn't completely uncovered, it isn't "found". The level will say "You found the star" when you've done it right and then take you back to the level selection menu (with that level now marked as complete).
Found them all by myself. Love this game. Keep these coming, Bart :)
These things are like eating Cheet-ohs:not much to them, but you just can't stop.
I am envious of the fine-arts quality this one has. Most of the puzzles are very simple, but there is much more to this game than just the puzzles. It's like a painting you can have a dialog with, at an emotional level.
@ -k
thanx, but at the end I just had to update my flash player :)
88 please!!!! It's the only one I don't have yet!!!
Nevermind!!! I just got it!!! Click on the bolt in the lower right hand corner......
What the heck!!!! 98 anybody??????
I need help woth lvl 83 !
never mind helping with lvl 83
thanks for helping me with level 80 :P
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