
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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September 08, 2011

a dog of flanders 3

It's that Minoto time of the week again, here's his point and click diversion for this week: a dog of flanders 3.


Anonymous said...


Eline said...

finished. It was nice and put a big smile on my face in the morning. Thnx

Chris said...

Dog painting Acrobatics

Sarah said...

Wow, even stranger than usual! =)

Anonymous said...

easy one, I like his earlier work more

Anonymous said...

What time is it?
It's Minoto Time *___*

Anonymous said...

Thief end... LOL

Anonymous said...

Jackson Pollock would be proud

Anonymous said...

Poor little dog. He got dog-napped!

MB said...

nice and simple as usual...i wonder from where do they get such wierd ideas :P

sergio said...

boh... I don't understand this episode. Not fun, too easy. Minoto, you can do better

I said...

Oh. My. Minotos. I don't know how to finish a MINOTO GAME! What has the world come to? Global warming, no recycling, and worst of all... kids not able to finish MINOTO GAMES!!!

Anonymous said...

The thief kidnapped the DOG?? D:
What is this world coming to?

KittenMitten said...

MEAN THIEF!!!!!!! There has to be "a dog of flanders 4"!!!!!!!

NotMarian said...

Freakin' weird!!

But I love it.

Anonymous said...

HAAAA ha ha ha! So bizarrely hilarious!

mikerdrew said...

I liked the "drive-by" :D

Anonymous said...

That´s the craziest game of minoto!!! For sure...


Joelle said...

It's Jackson Puplok

With a dash of Pupcasso.

Anonymous said...

Lol Joelle...very punny.


Peter said...


Unknown said...

easy for minoto but so extremely hilarious...

Kitten said...

so minoto ran out of mice,
sold milk,
and painted different splotches, all to end up picking his nose!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!
goodbye world!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is it sad that I can't even get passed painting the picture and blowing up the pick ball?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nevermind, I got passed it


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