Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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And again..
Ugh, I stuck. Anyone know what the screwdriver does?
What screwdriver? I'm totally lost too. I got the locker open and the bar slides up and down but don't know what that means....
I have four helmets which I think I placed correctly on the wall but nothing seems to happen...
I don't know what to do with the extinguisher or the cigarette...
I don't know what numbers to make on the door...
Basically I'm lost LOL
Be a lot easier if I could read japanese. If nothing happened with the helmets AND you put they're labels on them(I don't remember where they were, they weren't hidden though), then they're not in the right order.
AHHHHHHH! Whats the code for the stupid door thing.
WTF! I beat it and all I got was a white screen! AHHH I'm so pissed I put hours into that!
When the helmets are put in the right order, a slide puzzle is revealed on the wall. When you solve that, you can see where the screwdriver is.
I've still got no idea what to actually do with the screwdriver though!
I got a key when I did the slide puzzle ...not a screw driver! If you look carefully at the chinese writing on the side of the hard hats they match the labels on the hooks on the wall (zoom in on them) so you can work out which order to put them.
ahh! just found the screw driver!
What's with the night picture thingy? And where's the key that unlocks the final wheel on the heating/cooling pipes??
Put the fire extinguisher stand (i think it was in one of the drawers) by the door. Put the fire extinguisher on it. You'll see what happens.
The screwdriver is used on the bottom of the clock when you manage to open the glass.
It's a good thing I can read Japanese.
Where's the fire extinguisher??
so stuck. Have night sky picture, something that looks like a schedule, weird red thing I got off the wheel, and a bunch of white things that look like they go on a digital clock. Please help me!
Oh oops I also have a cigarette
Can't get game to start, I've done all the others, what gives?
slow to load, just wait and it will start!
ok...I think im near the end, I have all the little number squares and put them on the door chart, I have put cigarette in red box, opened clock and shone light on sign and reflected on floor tile to find last one, fire ext in place, the "shape sum" made in transparent flat box, but what do you do with that, and the night picture?? any clues?
Just so everyone knows, that can't read japanese. On the top part of door puzzle, the sequence is year, month, day. The year is 21(2009), I don't know why, someone else said the japanese calender is different from ours.
The game doesn't always load correctly and some items will be missing. I couldn't find the fire extinguisher, but after a reload it was easy to see! Other than that, nice game...!
The fire extinguisher can be between the cabinet and locker, or it can be behind the arm of the right couch. I've gotten out of the room several times, but I always wet my pants. Can't seem to figure out the "good" ending. The title graphic seems to suggest that I find a bathroom, but where, I don't know.
Where is the amazing screwdriver you all speak of? I'm fairly far on in the game and I haven't found it yet.And yes, I am still playing, it's so hard!
Look at the completed slide puzzle and compare it to the real thing - spot the difference and you'll see where to look for the screwdriver.
Now, can anyone help with the shape puzzle? I just need to find which number the square represents....!!
(Still playing also!)
Thanks to Jason for helping with the Japanese date - I would NEVER have worked that out by myself!!
how do you open the glass?
you get the pole for the do not enter sign from pressing the top red button from the top left drawer after you entered the date. the glass is opened by getting the water to the right temperature using the valves, then use the key and the tag on the lower left drawer.
what's the code for the door sign?
need the four great didgets, already have the date but can't figure out the other one's . I have found all the numbers but there are 8 numbers, what do i have to do?
The night picture is placed over the paper you pull out of the clipboard thing. That gives you the "star" number...which will come in handy when you start finding those transparent papers.
The square # is the bottom of the wooden armrest of the left couch.
To work out the door code you need to find values for four shapes - square, triangle, circle and star. When you put the 3 transparent sheets into the clipboard, you will see an equation that shows you how to add/multiply the shapes together. Put the answer on the door and you're out!
what's the significance of the calendar that you can move around...then when you click out it changes back to what it was? I've got one last white number piece to find...i have looked absolutely everywhere!! driving me mad!
When you arrange the calendar in a particular way it unlocks the drawer beneath it and gives you one of the number pieces.
To get a clue to the correct arrangement, look closely at the photoframe next to it...
The setting is that you are waiting to be interviewed, but you suddenly have the urge to go to the bathroom. You must escape and go to the bathroom.
There are four (4) possible endings.
1) you get out quickly (I don't know the exact time, but quick) and you do not smoke-you are hired for the job.
2)you get out quickly but you smoke the cigarette-you are turned down (one of the signs says "no smoking")
3)you take your time to get out but dont smoke the cigarette-you would be hired, except that you wet your pants in front of the boss-so you dont get hired.
4)you take your time AND smoke-you are not hired, AND you wet your pants in front of the boss.
If I arrange the calendar according to the picture firstly there are only 4 things to move around on the picture and 6 on the frame on the desk, secondly if i do change them like the 4 on the picture they change back as soon as I click out, what is supposed to happen?
ok managed to do calendar by trial and error, opened drawer and pressed buttons but nothing happens, no pole appears for the no entry sign as suggested above. Where is the pole supposed to appear?
Put the date in the top 6 numbers on the door, then press the top button in the drawer. The pole will appear behind the safety signs.
NB-The date format has to be yy/mm/dd with 21 being the year (not 09)
im stuck please help! iv got the fire extinguisher and know where to put it but cant find the red base which you put on the floor first.
So, for the door code, am I supposed to put the current month, date, but 21 as the year?
And what are you supposed to do with the big four bottom numbers?
This is CRAZY/NUTS/INSANE! I have a red thingy, the star thing, both transparent things, a lighter, a broom, a cigarrette, and the pole for the do not enter sign. The transparent things are in the clipboard, and i need to find 1 of the big number things for the door thing. All drawrers are opend and cant do anything with them exept the top-right one (the one with the buttons) I NEED HELP!!!!
Ok, I have all the number things. Where is the do not enter sign? Not the pole, I have that. Other than the number thing, nothing else happened.
ok i am so near but this game has driven me nuts! I have a circle =200,
triangle =19,
square = 65
and a star = 8,
so my calculation says square +triangle x cirle -star
= 65 +19 x200 -8 = 16792 !! too big to put in the door ??? any ideas??!
the do not enter sign is inside the locker if you click the left hand wall it opens once you have hung the broom in there
For the calculation, do the multiplication first. Then, after you add/subtract the other numbers you are left with a 4-digit code.
Once you have the Do Not Enter sign, combine it with the pole and put it into the holder where the broom used to be. Then turn the lights off and see where the spotlight is being reflected. Click here (after turning lights back on) to find the last transparency and you can then work out the door code.
hey thanks for the calculation tip! I'm out yay!!
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