Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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I don't understand what to do after the island with the desk and the box you need a tool to break. Every time I try to leave, I get fogged out before I reach another place. I even tried the clues, which give you a pattern to follow through the rocks, but it doesn't seem to lead anywhere.
Stop in the middle of the last 2 rocks when following the pattern of the clue.
I totally agree.
I was about to quit when I noticed the starting island was different.
I then wasted a lot of time following that clear clue to nothing!
Please leave a hint or agree that this is the worst game ever made.
Yeah, I'm not getting it either. The first clue just makes no sense.
Yeah, not worth the struggle to figure it out. Oh well.
The first clue shows a pattern of rocks with an over and under path, the same pattern of rocks are directly east of the island. Sail above and below them as indicated by the clue pattern, and stop (or turn off the lantern) where it indicates on the clue, between the last 2 rocks.
The problem is that there is no indication that you have got there.
You respawn beside a new island just like when your lost.
out, but the cat took me a while :)
anyone find the treasure? i was able to (rot13) svaq n ubyr juvyr enaqbzyl qvttvat nsgre rkvgvat jvgu sbhe pnaqyrf yvg, juvpu (vs v'z trggvat gur pnhfnyvgl pbeerpg) bcrarq n tybjvat cngujnl va gur fcbbxl terra nern. But since I stumbled on it serendipitously I don't know if there's any trail of clues before/after it.
Help ! How do you get the shovel ??
I can't find the solution for the candles, I have four of them but I can't seem to find the right stuff to do to get the clue from them.
Regarding the treasure:
Gur tybjvat cngujnl nyernql rkvfgf orsber svaqvat gur qvtfcbg, ohg gur qvtfcbg vf arprffnel gb znxr cebterff yngre ba. Gur pyhr sbe svaqvat gur qvtfcbg vf n tybjvat k gung nccrnef jura lbh fgnaq ba gur hccre unys bs gur vfynaq (cebonoyl bayl nccrnef nsgre lbh trg gb gur abezny raqvat fvapr V pna'g erpnyy gurer orvat na k gurer gur svefg gvzr).
Can recommend the Discord server linked on the game page if anyone is going for the treasure (or just looking for hints in general).
Can anyone help with the tree puzzle?
Got two more diamonds but still nothing opens. There were only three 1-word clues in the temple so I might give up. Rot13:
Sbyybj gur png perngher'f cneg ba nebhaq gur bhgre jnyy bs gur sbegerff (evtug fvqr). Qvt ng gur qrnq raq.
Va gur pnaqyr ebbz, neenatr gur obneq fb lbh pna tb qbja gur ynqqre naq gura gb guebhtu gur gbc cngu gb gur hccre evtug pbeare bs gur tevq. Gurer jvyy or thvqvat yvtugf gb nabgure qvnzbaq.
Where do we get a shovel to dig?
I made it to the secret island, but... [Rot13]
V qrsrngrq gur grzcyr naq obff bayl gb svaq n abgr gung fnlf gur erfg vfa'g qbar lrg naq gb pbzr onpx yngre gb cynl gur erfg
I made it to the secret island eventually (with three diamonds) but then it became a very hard non-puzzle game...
Finally found the solution for the trees!
Now I'm stuck with the candles, I don't know how to pass the stone to get the clues...
I really like this game although I'm completely stuck with finding the island that I have to find whe "go opposite of those who live on these" clue...
Starting island: rotate the beams to open door to the next area with 2 large stone unlit torches. You pick up the glowworm lamp by walking over it, but it can't light them. Return to the ship & it will let you explore a little bit before you get lost. Getting lost will always drop you near lost island (all islands are in the same place). This has 4 small pedestals for statues, a crate you can't break yet,& the first clue. Following the clue is easy but you must stop there so you can respawn @ map center beside the new island.
Tree island has 7 uniquely marked blue trees that want to be cut down, they will open the hut door, not that you can yet. topside warp over to where the 2nd clue is. Once again this is a very easy clue except for stopping & awaiting respawn. Axe island has 4 docks, 3 simple puzzles & a hidden path with the bird clue. Get that axe!
Now go 2 lost island for the lighthouse clue. If you follow the bird clue w,nw,w,nnw kind of & wait. Cat island has the clue for cutting down the trees 1,2,6,4,5,3,7 marks. In the hut go below & south to unlock the first candle. look @ the floor plan to the north. Follow the lights east & west. upstairs the puzzle lets you configure 3 routes to a leaver, a lighter, & a ⛋ thing. Light 1 candle @ a time to aim the 4 beams s,n,e,w this opens the path to the face clue if you light all 4 candles. After a few tries you will get to the most annoying island with a pressure plate that lowers a wall only when your on it. There is also a ball that rolls into a grave. Behind the wall there is a huge wooden target blocking the way to a shovel. I can also see another clue past the grave with no way to it.
So now how does one proceed? I replayed the game to reset the ball, however even standing on the left facing right it just rolled past me & into that open grave marked K G.
Hint: the ball is an cannonball that bounced off the pressure plate.
How does saying it is a cannonball help me, as I can't pick it up.
I guess the marks on the wall implies I need to stand on the button while some other ship shoots at the target.
I guess I will wander around looking for an enemy ship...
I am sorry I still don't get the clue of "go opposite..." - can someone please describe me, what to do? These buoys shoot, when I close, should I avoid or or let it hit me? Do I have to follow only one type of the buoys? There is one "empty" with no shooting, is that my target?
I like this game, I would like to continue.
The buoys have (what I assume are) birds roosting, and the specific shape of the buoy your'e following is the one that matches the clue. When you get to that empty one that you've mentioned (roughly way north west of the whole cluster) you'll want to position yourself right below it and close the lantern.
Oh, thank you!! It is funny that there are different imaginations for the bird rooster/buoy, I ahd no idea what is "bird clue". :-) After a lots of try I figured what is the matter, I was ending my route at the wrong shape (the small one), because I found an empty one of this, and on the clue the right one looks similar for me... :-O But there is another empty one, one of the right shape! Ahhhh, I am so blind... But finally I can continue! :-)
A sequel to "Lost in Firefly Forest"!! Ferociter continues to deliver. Always a treat to play his work. Thanks for another fantastic game!
Good puzzles, but it got too tedious for me when I had to do the sad-mad-glad sailing with a time limit more than once. I did watch the walkthru (played at double time) to see how it ended, though.
I really-really loved this game - until the secret ending. I found one diamond-shape lamp accidentally, and I think there are no clue in the game for finding them, so I used the help of the rot13 comments in this topic. After I had all three, I found the secret island, but there is such a different game, I usually like these as well, but this one is way too difficult, so I just deicided to watch a walkthrough instead to see how it ends. And this ending is also a bit disappointing. Otherwise it was a very entertaining game!
Ya I gave up & watched the walkthrough video too.
congrats to anyone who managed to finish the whole game.
Even if you read a bunch of hints to do it.
If you try to finish a Ferociter game in one night, you're gonna have a bad time
For anyone who gets to the secret ending but is having difficulty picking their path, maybe this will help:
(Rot 13)
Yrsg cngu (Pbhentr naq Fxvyy) vf ohyyrg uryy, naq lbh zhfg qbqtr rssrpgviryl. Vg'f yvxr gur svefg gra be fb yriryf bs Gur Jbeyq'f Uneqrfg Tnzr, vs lbh'ir rire cynlrq gung: gurer'f fcrpvsvp gvzvat, ohg vg'f qrsvavgryl qbnoyr jvguva yvxr 5-20 zvahgrf vs lbh'er qrprag ng vg. (Gvc: Xrrc zbivat!)
Evtug cngu (Jvfqbz naq Creprcgvba) nyfb abgnoyl erdhverf cerpvfr gvzvat, nf jryy nf gur novyvgl gb dhvpxyl zbir ba na vaivfvoyr cngu jvgubhg zhpu thvqnapr. Vg znl nyfb arrq crapvy naq cncre sbe abgrf (V erpbzzraq abgrf). Guvf cngu gbbx zr yvxr... na ubhe.
That being said, I did really enjoy this game! It reminds me of The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, which I adore.
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