Please spread the word and leave a rating/review in the app stores, you know I will reply! Enjoy ORANGE!
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
Get in touch: email - bluesky - facebook - youtube - instagram
I started playing last night. got to level 8. Couldn't figure it out (i know - I'm pathetic) so I tried to click on the lightbulb icon for a hint but everywhere I clicked the traffic cones appeared so I couldn't get the hint. any advice?
@helen You found a very specific bug when performing a certain manipulation with the cones. I have already corrected it in version 1.3. This fix is already live on Android, but on iOS it is waiting for approval.
Loved it! Completed all 50 with only 2 hints. I did have an exception with 17 however (one of the hints I used). I didn't feel that there was enough context to figure out what you were supposed to do. I'm not sure how you could have done it better, but something subtle might have helped. Also I wish 49 would stay on the screen a bit longer after solution. One of the positions was kind of trial and error since it wasn't real clear (trying not to give anything away), and when I finally got it, I wanted to be able to say, "ah, that makes sense", instead you get the victory "tone" and it moves on. I don't know if a "continue" button to advance from every level makes sense - maybe when you choose a level again that you've completed, it should show you your solution and then an option to reset it - again this is left to the developer to decide how to make it better. Overall another home run Bart! Thanks for the enjoyment!
Fun. Posted a favorable review to the Google Play store.
Fun game! Great job as always!
When will there be a pc browser version?
thanks for the fix!
I would also like to know if there will be a desktop version.
Good entry. Getting some crashes on level 39 on my Galaxy Tab A.
Sorry, on level 40.
Level 49 stumped me. I was sure it was correct. Turns out I was visualizing another way to form the second symbol.
Aaaalso. There are only 4 more basic color names. And I want a full set. ( ゚ー゚)...
Keep up the good work and great games( ´∀` )b
I'm on level 38 and can't seem to get past it. I'm pretty sure I've got the right solution unless I'm missing something obvious! (rot13: Glcr benatr ba gur xrlcnq)
i figured it out after pressing random stuff for 3 minutes. You just have to press the buttons until there are letters and you just spell orange.
Re level 38 - it's a throwback to old mobile phones that had actual keys. That's how you typed on that kind of phone. E.g. if you wanted a "V", you'd press the 8 button 3 times quickly to cycle through T,U,V.
This site has the layout if you're not sure where the letters are: https://www.codewars.com/kata/5ca24526b534ce0018a137b5
Love this game! I played it all in one day, and when I got to the last level, I was like, "Wait. That's it??" I love the basketball theme of some levels, since it's March Madness here in the US. I also cannot pass any of your games without using a hint on at least a couple of levels. 38 thew me this time, as well as a couple of others.
If you ever make a kids game, I'll be a beta tester. If I can pass without using hints, it can be classified as a kids game. Ha!
Same experience here as first anonymus had! I used one hint: for level 17, and I re-did thrice level 49 to see what is the solution for the second letter, because the screen switched too fast after solving it randomly. :-) I love this color game as all the others, I always wish for more levels, I finish it too fast!
I was also wondering if much older or younger people are able to figure level 38? :-) I loved this retro idea.
My (not very new) phone had some problem with moving the cones, the game freezed once on that level.
Loved it! Great job as always, thanks Bart!
This one felt a bit shorter than some of the other colours?
I feel REALLY old now because I got level 38 pretty much straight away lol
The only color that is missing in Color Series
Phew-wee, I am solved every 50 levels in Orange!
There may be a bug in leven 20.
Placing to cones on top of each other in a corner made them not touchable,
Had te restart the game
So... I don't know that anyone will see this, but I was thinking today. You know what we need? We need an Easter Egg version of "Factory Balls." We've got a Halloween version with pumpkins, a Christmas edition with ornaments... eggs just makes sense!
Good game.
Yay for releasing the music today Bart!!
I'll wait for the browser version.
The browser version is live!
you won’t believe this
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