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December 26, 2022
n step steve: part 2 [browser]

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Of course it is even harder than the first one.
And the first one was brutal.
I only just started, but it sure looks like another GOTY nominee.
It is way too hard. I really like this game, as I liked the first part as well, but I gave it up earlier, than the first one. To enjoy a game I need to feel at least sometimes I successed, but this one only makes me feel I am so dumb. :-D
It seemed too tricky at first, but ultimately everything's pretty doable if you just stick to it; I'm about halfway thru the kittens now
You think you're halfway, but then looks like some new stuff appears (or not, as I haven't found how yet)
Managed the first round of kittens - pretty "doable" but lots of trial and error ;-)
The Stars part looks in many cases not feasible. I suppose there's a later trick that helps.
Help needed ! :-)
There's some weird business with resurrection that I don't understand at all; somehow squares can be transformed to red-striped squares; this has happened to me twice but it seems totally random
"There's some weird business with resurrection that I don't understand at all; somehow squares can be transformed to red-striped squares; this has happened to me twice but it seems totally random"
This is a bug, and was patched in the recent update; reloading the page should give you the latest version of the game.
Any hint for room 6,13 ? Got 5 cats but then can't find the trick to pass
Hint for 6,13: The statue needs to be moved to the end of the flag line.
Solution (rot13): Fgnegvat bss jvgu sbhe pngf, hfr gur fgnghr gb ryvzvangr bar. Neenatr gur bgure guerr fb gurl ner nyy va gur synt ebj jvgu n fcnpr nobir gur fgnghr, gura zbir gurz nebhaq hagvy gurl eha bhg bs fgrcf. Erfgnegvat jvgu guerr va guvf pbasvthengvba nyybjf lbh gb hfr gur qrnq png gb zbir gur fgnghr gb gur evtug naq gura hc gb gur synt ebj. Nyybj bar png gb or ghearq gb fgbar arkg gb gur fgnghr, gura hfr gur bgure guerr pngf gb trg cnfg gur terra fdhner.
I'm currently stuck on 8,17 and 12,16 if anyone has any hints for those two.
Has anybody figured out the access point for the stars in 7,20?
Managed to exit 6,13 thanks to Hint, got 7 stars, rescued 18 Kittens (all that could be seen for now) and 1st Cryptid, whatever it is...
Now stuck for several days on getting the remaining stars and opening the hidden areas...
Any hint ? I've been looking for secret passages but couldn't find new ones.
To the above Anonymous:
I recommend trying for the flag on 9,14 (if you haven't already), which seems to be the entryway to understanding the new mechanic
I would be very pleased with a little help on 9,14.
(or with a complete walkthrough, it's sooooo hard !)
9,14: saving the kitten, or getting the star?
9,14 > saving the kitten AND getting the star AND learn the new mechanic :-)
Thanks ! Not sure if I got the new mechanics fully though, but I managed to get the star on 9,14 :-)
now need to find whereelse to try to apply this
The key in 9,14 is stopping the boulder, which means being on the right flag when spawning, the only flag that's just to the right of the left-right splitter
Being able to *stop* this flag from being immediately winked out of existence, and then managing to make it your last spawn will take a few lives and a little bit of maneuvering
Once you are able to access the splitter, getting the kitten is pretty straightforward, though you should also see how spawning new Steves will help you reach the star (play around a bit)
Only have two cryptids left and have no idea where to find them...
Has anybody figured out how to access room 4,3?
how do you know there is a place in 4,3? Is 4,4 available too?
I don't know how to access the teleport in 11,12 on my side?
I have 27 cryptids, 28 stars and 18 kitten.
Do you know how many of each there is in the game?
Screenshots of 100% Complete: 29 Cryptids, 28 Stars, 18 Kittens.
On my side, do you remember how to bring 3 cats from 11,17 to 11,16 ?
Screenshots of 100% Complete: 29 Cryptids, 28 Stars, 18 Kittens.
On my side, do you remember how to bring 3 cats from 11,17 to 11,16 ?
You have first to come from 10,17 with two kitten. Then the only one change in rock must be done just on the left of the statue below the ice
Woaw ... Thank you, I'll work with that
Do you know the purpose of the "map" in room 6,20?
Not at all: never been there yet ... ”100% complete” is not my map ! Thanks to your help, I brought my 3 cats on 11,6 but what a mess, it's really hard, and for now, I don't figured out how to reach the exit alive...
Tounetou: for the 11, 12 wormhole:
the trick is to find a way to leave room 11, 17 using two exits simultaneously
I only have one cryptid left-- all that is left on my map is what looks like room 4, 3. Absolutely stumped and would appreciate any leads if anybody has found the wormhole to that room
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Tounetou: for the 11, 12 wormhole:
the trick is to find a way to leave room 11, 17 using two exits simultaneously
That's what I thought, but There is only one whormhole in this room. I'll try again
I feel like I'm missing something, but:
* It's pretty straightforward to see how one can try to leave via two teleporters at once (leaving aside how tricky the puzzles may be!)
* I see people referencing "leaving a room while also using a teleporter at the same time", and I just don't see how this is done
Wow, got it. I had to look closely to figure it out. I'm now with 28 cryptids, 28 stars, 18 kitten, but don't know how the last cryptid could be. May be the room 4,3 you talking of
Tounetou: Congrats! Yeah, looks like we might have the same map now. Let the other know if we figure out the last cryptid? Anybody else have a hint?
Whre do you get the proof than there is something on 4,3? or the 100% complete map?
Lots of comments on the game page, including people who have posted their 100% maps. The only difference I can see between theirs and mine is a room on what would be 4,3, which I have to assume is where the last cryptid would be
Ahah found it!
You access it via the level editor!
Nice! Do you mind spoiling how?
Never mind-- power of posting! Thanks for the tip!
Anyone figure out how to finish 13,22? I know you have to bring two cats from 13,21 but I can't even figure out how to do that.
Sorry, meant 13,21. I got past the first medusa once but now can't remember how to do that.
13,21: it's been a while since I did it, but you don't have to bring in two cats
The whole goal is how to get the/a dead cat to be in a position to be pushed upward, while facing left
Hello everybody !
Any help with 7,21 ?
> Any help with 7,21 ?
Which part?
7,21 > with the star...
> 7,21 > with the star...
Hint one: you need to start with the same "double flag" re-spawn situation that one uses to get the star in 7,20
I can't remember how I got the star in 7,20 :-(
Ok, I remember now. I assume I have to go across the blue flag by pushing a dead cat through it, but how ?
> Ok, I remember now. I assume I have to go across the blue flag by pushing a dead cat through it, but how ?
In general: start with two cats on the right ... move them both to the left, and keep one alive while one dead cat gets pushed up
There's a tricky part with timing here
Yes, very tricky the timing part ! So far, I can't find what to do.
OK, I got it, thank you !
Has anyone figured out how to get to room 13,13 of this game? I did most of the game myself, but i don't see any way or unused methods.
go to 11,17 and be creative, it will lead you to 13,13
How can you get to room 4,4 I only need to find the 29th cryptid.
If you teleport to a room that doesn't exist, you go to 4,4.
Maybe you can use the level editor ?
Finally joining the 100% club, thanks all who left very good hints here and on the game page!
By the way, does the door with dogs remain locked even with 100% complete?
> By the way, does the door with dogs remain locked even with 100% complete?
It's a good question, I was expecting to interact with it later, but I guess not
My suspicion is that it's just depicting a scene "behind locked doors", so it's just to do storytelling
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