Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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April 12, 2021
9999 [browser]

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I am stuck & baffled.
I have no items other than the screwdriver.
I put it's parts on the cord & hole to no effect.
have got into room behind bookcase and got hour hand but cant open blue safe,
@ anonymous, The blue safe combination is the same as all the other combinations, but you can't input numbers directly. The cable linking it to the orange safe should be the clue. What happens if you input more than 4 numbers (not all 9's) into the orange safe whilst they are connected? Then, how can you put the correct combination in without opening the orange safe?
How did you get the hour hand?
@Lighty, can you elaborate on that clue? I don't understand how to get all 9s over to the blue safe w/o opening the orange one.
AHA! Never mind!
@Megan - Numbers spill over from the orange safe when you put in more than 4. If the cord is connected, the numbers appear on the blue safe. If the cord isn't connected, what happens to the numbers? Could you push 3 9s onto the blue safe, then cut the cord, then "reset" the orange safe so you could send another 9 over?
Me, I'm stuck on the 0. I don't know what I'm trying to accomplish on the blue safe with the 0.
Well, it was 15 minutes late, but I had the comments open for a while as I was playing, so I didn't see your next post.
No worries, I'm sure other folks will appreciate the help!
And besides, I'm stuck again! I put the minute hand on the clock, I have the screwdriver (which I noticed you can also use with the blue safe, but I can't figure out why) and there doesn't seem to be anything else I can do. I'm just randomly clicking all over the place to see if there's some hidden door or something. Any suggestions?
whoa, the power of posting! I just figured out that you can undo something you've already done!
move bookcase back then go around other way to get behind book case ,
Found zero button on light in corridor you collared 9's on door and have put zero button on blue safe and can transfer zero's to orange safe but am stuck now ????
What is this screwdriver of which you speak? And how do you move the bookcase? I got a key, a diamond looking thing, and a... fob? Apparently, I'm just dumb.
A bit spoilery, but it's an incredibly easy to miss detail.
The fourth clock has a screw on the right side.
Does this game not save progress? Developers... please... save the game progress!
Spoiler warning, but important note for the fourth clock:
You can't get exactly 9:00, so you'll have to go for the next-best thing. Very confusing otherwise.
Spoiler ahead
In reply to Anonymous (12 April 2021 at 21:25)
Actually, you can! Just get 0900 on orange, then push it over into the clock.
I am sorry, but I think this note is a bit misleading -- you can get exactly 9 o'clock, even in 2 ways.
Hint for the fourth clock: There are 24 hours in a day.
how do you connect 4th clock to safe ?
have set 0900 but cant transfer
Sorry to mislead anyone earlier! I guess I never figured out how to input '0' into the orange safe. It seems the more important part is to get the hour hand to 9, anyway.
Anonymous above, think about the objects you have that have connected to the cord, and see if you can connect them to the 4th clock
have screwdriver handel and 2 blades and 4th clock but cant connect anything to cord except screwdriver handle and blue safe , and cant connect anything to clock , stuck, or missing something obvious |
Clever mechanic with how the numbers shift back and forth. A bit obscure about feeding the numbers into things other than the safes.
Anonymous above, try examining everything in your inventory - click on the inventory square to make it big, then click on the big image and see if there's another view.
It's a bit of a fiddly game. Try this, look at everything, try something else. Took me forever to realize how numbers were getting to the second safe, and how they were disappearing. Then spent more time trying to program the final clock WITHOUT the zero. (Can't be done). ;)
Overall, I ended up satisfied with the experience.
If anyone else gets stuck on this fiddliness like I was, the puzzle on the bookshelf needs to be dragged. I kept clicking and clicking and sometimes something would change and I had no idea what I was doing differently!
So grateful for the hints on here about the mechanics of moving the numbers around -- I'm not sure I would have gotten that without help. Once that's clear, the thing is pretty do-able.
Thanks for the help.
It all makes sense now.
Such clever use of the #9 !
@jcGyo: We almost missed the dragging too. In these point-and-click games, particularly those with little or no animation, it's easy to forget to try that. Probably ought to write "drag?" on a Post-It by our screen.
Really clever concept, overall. You "know" the combination to unlock everything. The puzzle is in figuring out how to use it.
Not a great game. Nothing intuitive about it. Puzzles are fun when you can actually sort things out, not when you need endless time. Just because you can make something ALMOST impossible to visualize doesn't mean you should.
If you're still stuck at needing to push 9 to the fourth clock, but can't figure out how to make the connection. Here's a spoiler in addition to "just click on things in your inventory":
asdfjasldk gjadlkgj adlktjnv aslkgjv nadlkg jaldkg jnadslfkng cjaslk aklb jalkgj asdlkfj asldk nvjlkda bjadlkg jaslk gnjdalkg ncjdlk jlk
asdfjasldk gjadlkgj adlktjnv aslkgjv nadlkg jaldkg jnadslfkng cjaslk
Add something to the blue safe to make it into a prybar
asdfjasldk gjadlkgj adlktjnv aslkgjv nadlkg jaldkg jnadslfkng cjaslk aklb jalkgj asdlkfj asldk nvjlkda bjadlkg jaslk gnjdalkg ncjdlk jlk
asdfjasldk gjadlkgj adlktjnv aslkgjv nadlkg jaldkg jnadslfkng cjaslk
what is the code for the third safe?
Well, this was one room that I was able to finish without hints!!
A bit weird the cable thing but quite easy to understand. A bit tedious too, but since the game is so short it's ok.
I did like it!
i cant find the code for the wood box
never mind
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