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October 24, 2019
what gophers go for [browser]

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Ruthless game.
Stuck on level 12.
12 is pretty tricky. Two hints: your first move should cause a chain reaction, and the level is oddly shaped ...
Any hints for level 13?
@Anon level 13:
Try destroying the single grey block on the left side (down and right of green diamond up left) and then the other grey block (just above the yellow circle).
Any idea on level 23?
Hi! I was one of the people that participated in developing this game and would like to clarify why it's unique. This game was developed collaboratively by 26 different puzzle game devs and the code was passed around telephone/exquisite corpse style. Each level you're playing and each mechanic was designed by a different person.
Also I made level 12, sorry guys ;)
I can't even do level ONE! lol
Never mind... Doh!
Stuck on level 8. How do you get to the top left?
13 was tough... but what about 14... that one is a real mind F. Not sure what to do. Surprised we can't go outside the walls, but probably don't have enough gophers to do that anyway. Really not seeing how to do 14.
Any advice on 14...
I got 14.. have to think outside the box.. not literally... You have to create a 4 gopher chain with the green slider.
I made it to level 17.. now giving up... this level is tough.
Well a very important mechanic is not obvious at first.
But with trial and error you will find it.
By the way pretty fun!
I've been stuck on lvl 19 for a while. I suppose you're supposed to set up a cascade down each side, but I can only arrange one side by clogging up the other. Any tips?
You got to lvl 19? I'm spinning my wheels on lvl 18 for well longer than any other level, have tried every possible variable; was thinking it was impossible, but now I know it's not. Aaargh!
I do not believe that can complete all of the levels.
You can skip them, & the last level, #23 has problems for sure.
There are 10 "skip over to the side traps" & other stuff to do.
However you only have 9 gophers max.
For lvl 18: you need for your guy to be a gopher and get to the right side. There is one block preventing you from doing this (and a hole, but hopefully you know how to slide past that). Hope that helps.
I also figured out 19, finally. You don't need both sides to be completely full for the cascade.
@Kiel B,
The only way I know how to slide past a hole is if there's a green patch right next to it. I'm still stuck on level 8, the hole on the right is no problem but I can't remove the yellow food at the top and then get to the right of the green one, so as to see whether I can slide across the hole if there's a gap in between.
Whoops! I just realised how to get rid of the gopher that eats the yellow food next to the hole. Then it's just a matter of how to shuffle the other gophers ... on to level 9!
Thanks Kiel B for the help on lvl 18! It did help, although it still took a whole lot of tries to figure out that you have to have push both remaining gophers onto the right side before you shooting through the portal from the left to right side. Much appreciated!
Levels 1-22 are definitely possible to complete. But I think I have to agree with the commenter above who said that 23 might not be. Perhaps it is just a playground to mess around in (the level text says as much).
Can I have a bit more of a clue on level 17? I don't think there's any way to make a line of 3 or more without being eaten _except_ pushing the 3rd one in at the end when not in line with it. Using that method I can make 2 holes next to each other, but I can't get any further without becoming part of the team and getting eaten.
Level 17, a little bit more : you have to bring your player in the top room by passing on one side ...
Anonymous at 16:17,
That doesn't help much. It eliminates trying to go up the middle, but I can't see how to take out either end of the wall, and even one space from the end I'm colliding with the gophers that are already there to form part of the line and get eaten.
level 17 > make a hole next to the end of the wall, and then make a vertical line of 3 in the hole...
is level 23 solvable or is it just a playground ?
I've been trying to do that! If I push one through the hole (in the hope of making them eat the wall), when I put the second one into the hole I'm lined up with it and get eaten. If the top one is on the line of the wall, I end up with a gopher each side, forming a gauntlet it's not safe to go through. Then what?
Try to find another way to put the second one into the hole... ;-)
Oh, NOW I get it! Thanks!
Now stuck on level 18, specifically how to get onto the left-to-right slide without shooting off into a ditch, or putting another gopher in the leftmost column from which I can't get it back. Time to try sleeping on it!
Sleeping on it worked for level 18. On level 19, on the other hand, I can't visualise a pattern that will cascade that far ( the best I've been able to do is two rows short), let alone one I can make without getting eaten! I think this might be the point at which I give up.
Lvl 19 spoiler: https://imgur.com/a/JyfYwOy
That's the setup for the cascade. Right side is simple enough, left side is a little trickier. But the important thing is you don't need all the steps to be filled on the left side, this way gets you close enough to the exit and gives you plenty of maneuverable gophers to get there.
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