Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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September 11, 2022
otteretto [browser, mobile]

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Interesting game.
got 778 on my first try.
I was so close, I got 998 of 1000.
Refreshing variation.
Nice. Took me a few tries to appreciate the value of the "remove single blocks to set up more valuable solutions" thing, was able to break 1000 with that insight plus a bit of luck (Not a spoiler, it's in the instructions!)
You had me at "otters". Even if I don't really understand the link between otters and palindromes, the animation of the otter is really nice.
I thought this would be indiscrutable but it's surprisingly easy to rewire your brain enough to get the hang of
Nice game... I reached 1428 - when you manage to build actually * long * palindroms, the points go up quite fast.
Just broke 2000. That's because I'm a supergenius :-)
(No, that's because I'm quick at finding middle long
palindromes and, as the other comment suggested,
deleting a few stinkers to extend them to both sides.
Still hunting for an 18+ palindrome.)
Great game, what utterly sucks is the handling.
I accidentally deleted a desperately needed color
more than once, there *must* be a button "Execute",
marking should do nothing except, duh, marking.
Also, it would be even better if the chain could
be marked and then extended. Could e.g. be done all
with a single button: Click on color X, adds X
to chain (if possible, otherwise nothing happens),
click anywhere on palindrome chain, kaboom.
Or whatever. Just no execute by mouseslip!
fun! but yeah, losing a color by accident is a real bummer...
maybe an undo option?
I'm not sure if this is a late-breaking change, but there *is* an undo button, it's in the "hamburger" menu in the upper-right corner of the playing screen. It's two clicks away, one to reveal and one to execute, so kind of hidden, but it does exist.
(Shokoshu is too lazy to login :-)
Yup, UNDO exists. Does NOT work after a frame change.
Update: Made all achievements except 3000 (sooo close) and timed 1000
(I'm over 60 and not into hectics :-)
Random further achievement suggestions:
Make 300 points at once (probably only possible with an 18+ snake anyway)
Gopher 10 bonus rows (done :-)
Make long unicolor snake (as a little consolation for getting almost no points :-)
Protip for players: Make very long chains at all costs. The reward grows quadratic
with the length, but you only use a linear number of blocks. Always look if you
can still extend it by nuking some blocks of unwanted color. (This also implies you
should try to find your proto-chain in the mid of the playing field.)
Moar Shokoshu updates:
I'd also like an achievement for crashing through three frames
in one fell swoop (length 25, value 442 :-) - since the
field is refilled only once. (So, do not make snake value > 2 frames!)
At the moment I experiment with making giant palindromes.
Shokoshu has reached 3000!
My highscore in that game: 4095. It's inhuman to get
higher, but to quote Warren Vampirella: "Fortunately,
I am not one of mankind...in any sense!" :-)
4499... maybe I should stop playing, now
started a game and got bored. came back, picked up some tips from here, and ended up with a score of 2.5k for my first game. nice, and may give it a go every couple weeks or so
Bought it immediatly. Could use some interface upgrades. But great fun
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