Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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I can't play it.
I gave up on Chrome & tried Firefox
There was a long load and then nothing.
The trailer looked ok-ish.
Same - I tried Chrome and Edge with no luck.
you know what i like? long blocks of text with no capitalization in it. i like having to read lots and lots of english without the visual cues of where sentences start like we're used to. it's really classy.
At least you got text :)
After an incredibly long load time, all I get are black squares on a white background with no text at all.
(and Chrome starts consuming 99% of the CPU and most of the memory).
Download works, but still very resource intensive. I think I'll skip this one.
Thanks for the warnings. I'll skip it too. Don't want my power supply to break just to play this game.
Absolute nonsense. Once you finally start moving around, its impossible to navigate and not at all intuitive. Don't waste your time.
Managed to beat it, though couldn't find the 7th snowglobe so still at least one secret to find. It's actually pretty deep once you get far into it, I think it's pretty well worth it.
What a sweet game! Got everyone's stories and all the snowglobes without too much trouble. Although I didn't run into the same loading or memory problems some other people did.
I got a ways in, and decided it was too tedious. Guessing the author had more fun writing it than a player will have playing it. :/
This is genuinely my favourite web game I've played in a long time (and I play a lot). It's a long one, and there were a few moments where I struggled how to proceed with the story, but luckily there's a hints 'n' solutions guide linked on the Itch.io page. The creator put a LOT of work into this - it's incredibly well thought out in terms of dialogue and character-building. Sweet, funny, and guaranteed to annoy homophobes - what more could you want? Also, I played in-browser rather than downloading and didn't run into an technical issues.
it was free download on steam for me... may solve some issues people are having with connecting to browser version ^^
Thanks for featuring my game! As a long-time Bart Bonte fan I'm honestly floored :)
Apologies to everyone who felt like they wasted their time. I'll admit Purrgatory is out of place on this site... despite having the trappings of a point-and-click game, it's more of a visual novel. Also apologies for the technical issues. I don't have an excuse for that part, I just built the game poorly =w=
It works well on Opera browser.
I am not through yet, but really like the story.
In my opionion, Purrgatory fits well on this site. It is a point and click adventure creating a special athmosphere with good dialogues.
Thank you!
Thanks for your game Nivrad00, absolutely lovely experience!
Wow.... Niv well done - awesome game!
Absolutely loved it. Not tedious at all once you get into the storyline. And love the lucifur twist at the end.
Totally gree with Uli, the game is a perfect fit on this site - why would it not be??
crashed all my browsers...bummer
This is my favourite game now honestly it's so beautiful and the ending made me so emotional!! So incredible Niv.
A bit late to the party, but I'm with Sophia, Bart and the others on this being great, Niv! I played it on browser too and didn't have any problems, though I'm sure it's frustrating for people that did. Oh well, everyone lives and learns. At least the homophobes got annoyed, indeed. XD
I'll be practicing some of those songs on guitar now for sure. Thanks for the enjoyment all around! ;-)
Simply great.
I was expecting half an hour of play or less but it took me quite long since I wanted to talk about everythining with everyone =3 Just, if I had seen the save/load feature before finishing it the first time... xD
Guess this will be in 2021's bests list? ^___^
Loved the puns, btw xD
Ooohhh, and about the globes... I got all of them but seems whatever was inside was... eaten?? Did I miss something? xDD
Wow, it it a great game! I really enjoyed asking the other characters about things for hours! So detailed! It is a good example that a game can be enjoyable with minimal graphics as well. Thank you for making it and thank you for sharing it!
Was not expecting this game to run as long as it did, but it was a phenomenal ride!
Every character is charming and has their own story to tell. I can understand why some people are bothered by this game's presentation, but I didn't have a problem with it.
It took me about 3-4 hours to complete this game (wish I would've noticed the save feature the first time I played this).
Highly recommend this game if you have the time!!
Really neat game :)
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