Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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I'm really liking these puzzles! Lots of fun, thanks Bart!
There must be a new concept on level 8.
The box is blocking me from inserting my key.
The thing you need for level 8, which wasn't new to me because I'd done it by accident on an earlier level, is how to destroy an item, or rather a pair of items.
Spoiler space...
if you push them into both sides of the duplicator at once, and there's nothing already there, they annihilate each other.
(Level 10 is a real poser, with no spare bodies to throw at it like I did in level 9.)
@Anonymous 15:01
didn't you notice ?
In a specific context, what you push does not duplicate, but disappears...
I think I've met my match on level 19.
Would appreciate some hints on 10...
Nvm me, got it.
Stuck at 19 for now
Level 19 SPOILER
General approach: Trap as many monsters as you can. Any left free to roam should be lured to somewhere in the middle of the screen, leaving at least one replicant alive near the top.
Full spoiler: Trap the first 4 monsters at the bottom. Go to the replicator (and get eaten). With your clone, trap the 5th monster at the top left. Monster #4 at the bottom isn't totally trapped - clone yourself a few times and lure him out to one of the rows in the middle, between the rows containing the replicators, and as far left as you can manage. (This will take at least 3 clones, plus another one strategically located to remain alive above the monster. Monsters will chase a clone down a row before they will go up a column, and even if they are traveling vertically they will change their target if they see a clone in the same row as them.) Take the living clone to the replicator to make a copy below the monster. With the copy, trap the three monsters left in the bottom row, then maneuver your way into position so that the lower clone can hold the door open for the upper clone. DO NOT enter the row with the free monster in it.
SPOILER There is a more elegant solution than what is described above, which does not require chaining monster movements
(not the same Unknown as yesterday)
I've been stuck on level 10 for a while (the one with no duplicates). I came back to it today and still can't figure it out. Any hints? I know you can attract a monster to the other side of a key, and push them with the key, but I can't find an arrangement where I can get past without being eaten.
@Not the same unkwnown:
If you trap 2 monsters and push them back so far they are standing like a stair.
You can stand above the top crate and the lower monster will run up. Now you can block the lower monster from below with his crate.
In the end I made this in the corner:
X = Crate
W = Wall
M = Monster
Wsit,, this is not working
In the end I made this in the corner:
X = Crate
W = Wall
M = Monster
Precisely stuck at same level 10... please help
Level 10 is quite easy, indeed.
You just need to move up the lower monster.
To do that :
1. access the lower monster row, push it three times : it's then aligned with the others again
2. access the upper monster line (do not move the middle monster at this stage) and push it four times
3. go up and right : the lower monster will go up just under the block hiding you.
4. now go to the middle monster row, push it four times : the middle monster is now aligned with the upper one
5. go down and push the lower block two times so that it protects you from the lower and upper monsters
You're done : you can exit now
Nice game however the last levels are some how disappointing : I passed them nearly without playing.
Is it normal ?
Thanks for the hints, Long Peter. I'd just figured it out when a12r13 posted the spoilers!
I'm now stuck on 15, where it looks as though it should be possible but I can't see how. I also looked ahead at 16, though, and that looks completely impossible. How do you get yourself or the key to a duplicator at all?
LVL 15:
Lure 1 monster to the Right lower corner.
Lure monster 2 below the key.
Push the key, get eaten.
Lure monster 2 below the key.
Push the key, get eaten.
Lure monster 2 to safespot on the left.
Now the key can pushed till you meet monster 1 again.
LvL 16
2 Monster, let's cal them PAT and MAT.
The Key is the Key.
Use The Key to move Pat.
The Key is Duplicator.
The duplicator can duplicate the player, keys, crates and even Pat and Mat.
But the duplicator can also kill to players.
But it can kill much more..
Thanks, Long Peter, I've got level 15 now (tho I don't get the "lure the monster below the key" part; I had to throw several duplicates at it one after the other).
On level 16, while writing about still being stuck, I realised how the geometry works! Onward, but perhaps not today ...
LVL 16.
There are 2 ways to reach the duplicator.
1: Push the key at the same height as the monster.
2: Push the monster up with the key
Now I'm stuck on level 22. I could do it with 3, but with 2 I can't figure it out. It must be something to do with the monsters preferring rows to columns, but how?
Level 22 SPOILER
You need to setup a configuration where the block has moved on the top of the 2 blocks wide "tower" which is just before the monsters. The block must be there, on the left side. And the two duplicates must be : one, just on the right of the block, the other, just on top of it.
This configuration is not really difficult to build.
Now move twice left, twice down, and one left again.
The remaning duplicate is now free to exit....
... and back we go to where we started.
Thanks, a12r13!
Ha! Shokoshu, master of all trolls, has managed to crash the game
by tricking the monster in the first monster level to make an
Buridan ass out of himself. Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/P2IDXtG
The monster now runs squeakingly and alternatingly one space right
and left and the input hangs.
For a video walkthrough on Youtube add /watch?v=Hg7L9PMNUos to the youtube URL.
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