Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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August 16, 2019
landfill [browser]

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Sounds easy.
It is not!
The difficulty actually lessens as the levels progress. Unusual but there is a handy level select.
The select level is kind of broken too.
The level select glitch lets you select some other level or the credits before any unlock from completing the first level which should unlock 3 levels.
Completing other levels only give 1 more unlock.
Completing them out of order results in the selection list being out of order too.
Suggestions on level 2? Honestly, I don't find it getting easier as I go... but I'm also not that smart.
Lvl 02: You need to build a two-islet bridge to the left corner of the palm tree island. I used every gold ball on the screen. This will then give you access to levels 3-5.
I gave up on level 2. I know what I need to do, I just don't know how to make it all happen. Thanks for the hint.
Level 4 and stumped.. it looks impossible but then so did Level 1 until I got it! :D
Lvl 04: Build a horizontal two-islet bridge below the left corner of the palm tree island. Forget about the upper left island with one gold ball. You want to build the bridge with the top and bottom gold balls of the center island. Plus, you need two bridges to the center island. . . . Seeming impossibility is the essense of a good puzzle. Embrace the chase!
Hey, dev here. Just wanted to let you know that the level select is still in active development, this is the first time we are testing the new level progression in public.
Having three unlocked levels at a time is an intended feature, it is supposed to give those who are stuck some choice. The first level needs to be beaten to unlock the 'three at a time' feature. To unlock the final level you need to beat all previous ones.
If you found a bug with the game bar it would be great if you could report it here:
That would help improve the level select for future games :)
Regarding difficulty: since this is a remake I've chosen to limit myself to mostly cosmetic changes, but I am open to the idea of rearranging levels by difficulty and perhaps adding an easier intro level. It would help if some of you sent me a list with personal difficulty ratings, otherwise I'll make my own assessment in a while.
PS: has anyone done any gardening yet?
I played through the 13 levels again. My impression now is levels 1-11 are fairly even in difficulty. I guess it's just those last two, 12 and 13, which are so easy. But perhaps that's to do with the gardening? So far I've stumbled over only one "big shrub."
I can't get it to start
I'm stuck on level 7. There's at least 2 ways where I'm just one ball short. Making a bridge to below the row of three is one of them, but I can't get the one on the left of the middle pair to anywhere useful. Also, I don't know what mino means by gardening.
Perhaps predictably, not long after putting it in writing I worked out level 7, but I was AFK at the time. I've now reached level 10, but haven't properly looked at it yet, because I'm still wondering what "red is grown with patience alone" means.
it is related to the flowers. there are ways to make them grow. I don't think that is important in any way though.
@IAB -- the game won't launch unless you allow third-party cookies in your browser, that may be your issue.
Maybe it's just too early on a weekend, but I gave up in frustration at level fucking 1.
YESSSSSSS!!!! L4 completed!!.. Thanks for the tip - I'd figured as much already but hadn't figured out how to move the centre islets - just needed a 'bigger' bridge on the right side ;)
Are you kidding me?! L5 is ridiculously easy..
Tips for L8? I've got one away in a couple of different ways.. stumped
The trick is to go anti-clockwise and not touch the balls on the middle island.
OMG.. I swear I tried that and it didn't work!.. and yet I've just gone and tried again and it couldn't be more obvious.. doh!
someone created a full playthrough, so in case you are stuck you might want to refer to this
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