Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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January 28, 2019
entanglement - chapter two [browser]

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Diggin' it
Don't know how I missed version 1
Am going to muddle my way thru it first.
Good thing Bart has useful tags.
That was exactly the kind of puzzle I like, very challenging but not mindbreaking! Again, like the prequel, great job Richard Locke.
Great game, but stuck :(
How did you get past the room with an orange barrier down the left and no piece that would allow the bullet to go through it?
There's 2 inverted T (or upside down T) pieces and one piece consisting of 2 horizontal T's put together.
Screenshot of the room: https://imgur.com/4lqjlbq
Same as anonymous 1... Has someone found the way to get past it ?
I felt so frustrated that I replayed the whole chapter 1 !
Very good games.
Great game! Really works the brain! There's two more of those enigmatic transmissions... I wonder if these are a continuation of the transmissions in chapter one or not. I always love a good puzzlescript game. Thanks as always Bart!
Anonymous: Think about what you know. What you need is a combination that you might not have thought of.
Thanks much, Sample! That did it for me :)
Did you got to the puzzle room or any of the little brains shown on the final path?
Awesome games! Thanks a bunch, Bart!
No? Was it possible to? I assumed that it was just a "Hey, you haven't escaped after all!" thing.
Anon ... a T placed in the beam will act as a bridge for the missile.
Stuck in the same room Anonymous 1 posted.
Any help?
Anonymous 1, 2, 3 actually there is a piece that allows to go through the orange barrier... use the other bullet ;-)
For the room that the above are having trouble with, here's a quick explanation. You split the bullets into two bullets. Once you do that, use the "up" T to launch the bullet going to the right up, which will make the bullet going to the left go down. But here's the trick: You need to place the other "up" T above where the right bullet it going up, in the same position when the left bullet will be going through the barrier. That will force the left bullet to go through the barrier, as the right bullet's behavior will mirror the behavior of having a bridge for the left bullet. Hope that helps.
I got it! Thanks to all anonymous guys!
Was even more tricky than the first one.
Stuck? try reflecting on the reflection of a bounce.
Really could have done without the end maze.
There's no option to continue? so i have to play the game from start to finish without closing my browser or i lose all my progress?
This was a terrific game, and I loved the challenge, but there are two things I didn't like:
1. No save function. I played half the game twice over because I closed the tab :(
2. It seems that there are multiple endings, but there isn't a clear way to get to them without playing the entire game again. There ought to be a way to jump back to right before the maze.
Otherwise, I loved the game! Thanks for developing it, Rich, and thanks for the rec, Bart!
What's the other ending? (As in how do you get it?) How sure are you that the other ending exists?
Looks like I'm a little late to this party, but thanks so much to everyone who's played the game. And major thanks to Bart for sharing it here. It's already had way more attention than I thought my little game would receive, and it's really great to see people are enjoying it.
I'm sorry to hear that the checkpoints aren't working for some people (everyone?). It should be saving your progress pretty much any time you enter a room or a vactube. Not sure why it isn't at this point. I guess you could check you haven't disabled local storage in your browser settings and that you don't have any extensions blocking it. You could also try this alternative URL, though I'm not too optimistic about it making any difference. I'll keep investigating.
Fun game overall, but the puzzle with the orange barrier at bottom left and the T pieces is extremely unfair. There is literally nothing else in the entire game using this mechanic and it is not even logically consistent that it should work this way (you'd have to basically guess it blindly).
Why would the property of "passing through" transfer at all, given that it's not even established that that is a property? A laser "bullet" can also just pass through empty space, but those empty-space bullets don't transfer "pass-through-ability" to other bullets hitting walls but instead they themselves have the "bounce" transferred onto them.
Off the top of my head, I'm not even sure if there is another room in the game where it is even physically possible to observe this mechanics, let alone requiring it for a puzzle.
Why doesn't stacking all three pieces in the bottom right corner unlock a magical ghost who smashes the gate with a flaming sword? Why doesn't walking around the room in a circle three times forward and three times backward create a wormhole through the gate? Why doesn't a triple-stacked block that create split lasers grant pass-through-ability to only the laser bullets that it created but also only on Thursdays if playing during an even-numbered Month?
Arbitrary and invisible mechanics that are impossible to derive from any sort of logic really are a downer...
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