Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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December 05, 2018
black, the browser version [browser]

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I'm trying to get through level 5, but the circle disappears when I try to drag it over. Tried it on Firefox and Chrome. Any suggestions?
It is not a bug Pam, it is intentional ;) (hint: keep the 5 ball pushed long enough)
I got it to work when I realized that the circle wasn't under the mouse when I clicked on it. Had to drag it around to see it, thanks!
I'm stuck on level 12. I click on something making it black. When I click something else, it resets.
Get a clue!
Ohhhhh. Belgium's flag. I get it. -u-
what is the name of the soundtrack?
I created the music for the game, so it is also called 'black'.
You can find the music on bandcamp: https://bartbonte.bandcamp.com/album/tricolore-ep
The music of these three games might be mixed together, Mr. Bonte of the Belgians. Also, if more sequels to these three come along, how can we, the Bonte fanbase and players, come up with theories on what colors will come after black?
Worth the wait for browser. Thank you. Delightfully wonderful friendly thoughtful head-scratching game.
When is pink?
Level 1- Click on the button 7 times.
Level 2- Drag the lamp down.
Level 3- Cracks disappear when you click on the screen too much, it will fail and it will be black.
Level 4- Count the sides of the eyes and click in the shapes: circle, triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, septagon and octagon.
Level 5- Hold on the white circle and drag the black circle on the white one-if you know where it is then don't do it!
Level 6- Follow the line until it's black.
Level 7- Make it black and also you can pull cords that you cannot see (so just click the right one).
Level 8- Make a diamond and then rotate it and align the square with the diamond.
Level 9- Drag the bars to form the word "black".
Level 10- Find pairs.
Level 11- Top 1 right 2 left 3. Make top black then right black then left black in any order.
Level 12- The dots tell you which button to press next. e.g. 3 dots means you go to the left three times or the right three times.
Level 13- Make your bars go so on to the back.
Level 14- Ping pong.
Level 15- Make the order 12345678
Level 16- Only press neighbours.
Level 17- Arrows show you which button to press next.
Level 18- Click the button then click the block that flashed. If you've already flashed that block, it resets.
Level 19- Click 2 buttons that you can reach. You can make more than 2 buttons flash.
Level 20- Eat the white bits by covering them with the dark bits.
Level 21- Top button flashes a block... left and right buttons get to it. Up is left, right is right.
Level 22- Find order of buttons.
Level 23- Same as level 12 but go clockwise. Start at the 1 dot.
Level 24- Pull further and further and break the lamp.
Level 25- Make every top colour of the rainbow.
I as well got stuck on level 12 and so on I figured it out. What did you think? Did I do good? This was supposed to be a solution for hard levels but I changed it to an enormous game solution as I was easily playing along as I always do to remember what the level is. Did you think of my other solutions as I am Leon. I'm supposed to be making my nickname 6tfdhu because I reminded a couple of times I got inspired of doing a solution text so that's all what it takes as I zoom out because I'm thinking outside the box but as technology goes, I fear that want to take care of games that I deserve to not know. A little bit of an exciting game, but after creating solutions of green and blue, I'd like to present black. Woohoo! Why not you try this without a tutorial! Well I thought of mobile games presenting a solution but I need my mum's phone to do that. It's tiring typing all this but I'll end when the page is not filled up to write any longer. When you start off without a tutorial then take caution. The page is almost about to fill but I will say that I had no idea what I was connecting to. I also made some extra solutions like what's inside the box but almost teasing the game. I needed help on levels 12 15 and 23. As I usually want to get up to this then I'll start different games that you cannot deal with. As if I'm doing this, thus just too much for me to make it off. As thus too dealing for me, I cannot make an entire solution for the game, and it's too much. Byebye.
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