It's a 100% free app, so what are you waiting for? Get it now for your iPhone/iPad or Android phone/tablet by clicking your favourite app store below:
The game is free but if you want to support my game making there is a 'premium unlock' in-app purchase which also removes the ads you see when you ask for hints.
Let me know what you think about the game in the comments! Enjoy my new game, spread the word and happy puzzling!
Oh and I also have a bit of exciting news about YELLOW: the game has just been picked by Google as a finalist for the Google Play Indie Games contest! So London and the Saatchi Gallery will turn a bit yellow next month, you can read all about it and check the other nominees here.

Wonderful news, but will there be a browser version for us low-tech types? :)
Hi bart, I am a fan who has tried to stay with your posts for a while, I just wanted to say thanks for the entertaining games and to keep up with the good work :)
Level 49 is evil. Just sayin'... :)
I don't see a premium unlock option anywhere...? I'm playing on a regular-sized iPad, latest iOS.
Love it, and congratulations on the contest!
Finished without tips. But the last level I don't know how I passed.
may you make this a browser game please?
Same as above. No clue how to solve 50. Just mashed buttons till it hit.
Thanks :)
A couple of answers:
- Yes just like Yellow, I will do a browser version a bit later, but with less levels (just like the Yellow version) because there are levels that wouldn't make sense in a browser.
- It takes some hours on iOS after release for the in-app to appear, the premium unlock should now be there in the config menu
- For level 50, yes there is logic ;) It's explained in the hints, there are 5 sequences left/right that you can make with the letters ...
Red doesn't seem like a word anymore.
I felt the same with yellow.
or was it pink
ah, be done with it. I don't remember either.
Another amazing game, another amazing song! Love!
Great game! looking forward to more colors!
Thanks for the entertainment.
Nice game, and a good way to show my appreciation for your site in a financial way!
Great game, and congratulations on the nomination! Looks like a couple of the other games you posted recently also got nominations (Flat Pack and Bury Me, My Love). You're picking the winners, as usual.
I think the Tetris level needs polishing; it took a lot of tries, the first time I played it, to get the block to move to the left. It would always move to the right, but for some reason it just wouldn't go left. Very frustrating.
For people struggling with the last level: I actually did also get most of the codes by chance the first time, but then I went back and figured out what they all are. If you got one or two of them, you're on the right track, and remember, there are three letters in RED...
It was fun to play, last lvl was the hardest and for me even after searching for an answer non logical. I did it like "monkey see monkey do". Still great job as always :)
Really enjoying this one Bart. Above and beyond many of your previous. Having to use the hints fairly often. Haven't finished yet.
Suprisingly many levels could just be passed by spamming buttons until the screen is red (From beating the level or fron the blood of your fingers)
Took me 3 days to finish all 50 levels and the time was totally worth it :)
A great game. Thanks!
To the person trying to post comments about the red clone in the Play store, yes I know ;) I just don't want to give a platform to those copycats by showing the link here, thanks!
How do you get past levle 24 ?
I think i've worked out the method but can't seem to get past the egg things in the middle
For level 24: can you see rows of hearts that are facing up or facing down?
Tap the left button when a heart is facing up. Tap the right button when a heart is facing down.
For the 3 complete rows from top to bottom.
(Egg thing = heart down and heart up overlapping)
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