In each level the goal is to make a pumpkin just like the one in the bottom right corner. You do this by dipping your pumpkin in the paints and by wearing attributes to mask certain parts of the pumpkin. Have fun solving the 16 levels!
You can download this free game from the Apple app store or the Google Play store or play the game in your browser.
Let me know what you think about the game in the comments! Enjoy my new game, spread the word and happy halloween! Don't forget to leave a rating/comment in the app stores ;)

FIRST!! Awesome game.
Browser Boo - Done!
Awesome game, I always love your games and especially the factory series. One thing you might want to think on: the music keeps going back to the beginning at the start of each level. Danse macabre is great, but when you hear the first part over and over again it becomes a little bit tedious. I would love to listen to the full song you have prepared.
I think the same thing about the music than the previous comment: it would be nice for the music to just continue through the levels since they are very short. Also, just as a treat for the perfectionnists, it possible to make a counter of "moves" (one for every click: putting a mask, removing it, painting) and a the minimum number possible? But nonetheless, really nice and cute game!
Great Halloween game, Bart! Love the Factory Balls crossover. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Done ! Nice new game Bart, thanks. I do like the "Factory lookalike" gameplay. Congrats+++
If I dare : as some others said, I prefer when you're the music composer (for example, never bored by the Sugar Sugar one - your best), this one is almost suffocating...
Super fun! Love the familiar mechanic with the new theme and style! I agree that it'd be really fun to have a little moves counter in the future maybe, since I know there were a couple levels where there was a faster route to completion than the moves I made. :)
Overall, amazing as always!
Love it!! The art, the music and the game-play are all great :)
eeks... this kick-started my brain --I could feel the rusty cogs turning.
Nice music too.
Thank you & Happy Halloween!
Thanks-- this was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed the music. The ghost was cute, too.
luv the pumpkin colours, luv your ghost, luv the challenge, thank you for this cute lil creepysweet game!
Perfect. Thanks!
yay yay yay
this was a nice little game revisiting the factory balls formula! also, Danse Macabre is an excellent song choice! i recognized it from The End is Nigh (ed mcmillen game that came out in july in case anyone wants to know)
aww, so nice of you. love it, well done once again <3
That was so much fun, and I loved the music! Such a delightful treat for Halloween. Thank you very much!
Lovely game, Bart!!! I have missed one of these =)
Fun game, nice aesthetic!
Thanks Bart. I always liked these factory balls games.
Another great game! Thanks, Bart. You're the best!
Geweldig spel, net als Factory balls. Soms nagelbijtend, gekmakend moeilijk maar te leuk om op te geven. Heel erg bedankt Bart!!
Great game, just like Factory Balls. sometimes painstakingly difficult but too much fun to give up. Thanks só much Bart!!
Another quality game! I really enjoyed it, great music, nice fluid movement and graphics, good progressive difficulty and overall just great fun!
This is the most satisfying thing I've one today. Will be downloading that app in the near future when I have more space on my phone.
fun :)
So cute!!! Thanks Bart! Like it very much!
Factory Balls was a great concept and this one is a great version of it : nice graphics and design !
What they said!! Another excellent & clever game!
Good game!!
This is so fun! I missed the factory balls type of games and I loved the music in this one!!!
i love factory balls since the first!!
Thank you so much for making these Factory Balls games. I love them so much! :D I like to come back and play them again and again no matter how many times I finish it lol. I just might have to buy the mobile version..
I really LOVE your games! Especially "Sugar, sugar the Christmas special".
Unfortunately it stops in level 4. Am I too stupid to solve? I guess with all the further levels it will be the same.
Is there anywhere a site with help for your games?
That would be great.
My mother plays sugar, sugar too and doesn't know how to finish level 4.
I hope my English is not too bad.
Kind regards from Germany
For Sugar, Sugar Christmas you need to let some sugar go through the hole in the ground on the left, that sugar will then come through the roof.
Did you arrange this version of Danse Macabre yourself?! That's incredible! Can you release the OST you've composed for your games?
Yes, I still have to put it up on my bandcamp page like I did for my other recent games.
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