Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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November 29, 2016
backdoor door 2 [browser]

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I figured out that "C" toggles your inventory, "X" uses the current object, and "Z" interacts with the environment. I have fixed the machine at "work", I have a screwdriver, two coins, a pencil, a towel, a photo, a box cutter and and a paper bag. I can't get the shop owner to sell me the spring or the bucket. I presume I need the bucket for the mouse. I presume I need to make eye holes in the bag. I know I need to give three things to the green robot in the park. Other than that, I cannot figure out anything else to do! Stuck!
The eye holes can be made with the box cutter, then use the disguise to buy things from the shop. You will also need to talk to the guy in the bar wearing a cardboard box, he will give you something, I had some trouble with that one.
You need to use the space bar to combine items. I got into the factory, and now I have a grappling hook, wheels, and a crow bar, and I've pulled three levers. I can't get the control panel with the keyhole to do anything, and I can't get the back doors open, and I can't keep the two engines running in the main control room. Really not sure what to do next -- or where to do it.
NB: Space opens your inventory.
Am currently inside, unsure what to do with the crank at the end of the conveyor maze. Doesn't seem to open the nearby door, which seems like the only way to free up the gears.
I think the crank *does* open that door. At least, after repeated alternating between using the crank and going back the door, the door was eventually open.
This was a lot better and more interesting than I thought it was going to be!
Missed the floor grate on the floor of an early room in the factory; object was inside the grate that allowed me to proceed -- that was a little bit pixel-hunty.
Walkthrough (because I can’t find one anywhere else online) PART I
Hover over the battery icon in the upper right of the window to see the controls. Key controls are:
Z = interact with the environment
X = use the active item in your inventory (shown in upper left)
C = toggle which item in inventory is active
[space] = show the entire inventory (necessary to combine items)
[arrow keys] = move
Starting scene
press space and note the 4 items in your inventory (PENCIL, BOX CUTTER, COIN, TOWEL)
use (z) the phone
continue, and press c to toggle to the box cutter
walk to the box in the upper right and press x to use box cutter on box, get GEAR
use (x) GEAR on crank mechanism
Turn the crank on crank mechanism
while falling, toggle to TOWEL and use it
walk down two hallways to ringing phone
City Streets Part I
answer phone (z)
look at photo
now wander around town and talk to (z) and show photo (x) to every person in town
There is 1 person on the street, 4 in the bar (including bartender), 3 in the park, one in an alley, 1 at “work” and 1 police officer. Also talk to the shopkeeper, who will not sell you anything because you are a human. But you can see the four items he sells, a SPRING, a BUCKET, a WRENCH, and BOOTS. You will want to remember these for later.
There are 5 monuments that are fun to read in the park.
In the house next to “work” there is a TV you can turn on and bookshelves you can examine. Open the wooden cabinet and take the PAPER BAG. You will be kicked out of the house.
City Streets Part II
Visit the bar again. Talk to the human near the bartender. He will tell you he wants water but only has oil he cannot drink. Take the OIL CAN. Note the human’s disguise.
Read (z) the papers on the table. There are a *lot* of papers on tables in this game. Also look at the shelves and walls for additional information.
Visit the back room and try to catch the mouse. Note that you need a container. The paper bag will not work.
If the PAPER BAG cannot be used as a container, perhaps it can be used as a disguise. In your inventory, combine the PAPER BAG with the BOX CUTTER to turn it into a DISGUISE.
Put on the DISGUISE and go to the shop and buy the BUCKET
Use the BUCKET to sneak up behind the mouse in back of the bar and capture it.
Give the mouse (via the BUCKET) to the man in back of the bar. He will give you WOODEN PLANKS in exchange.
The man at the back of the bar will also tell you that Aert, the guy in the photo, is in the park in the east of town.
Go visit the park to find Aert.
Watch Aert get bullied by the Corkscrew Gang.
City Streets Part III
Go to “work”.
Open box in lower right with BOX CUTTER to get SCRAP METAL
Use OIL CAN to loosen lever on machine next to the big gear.
Insert SCRAP METAL into machine and operate the machine, obtaining GEAR
Just like before, put GEAR into the crank mechanism and turn the crank. A door will open
Walk through the back door, get SCREWDRIVER from desk
Run on giant hamster wheel near the big gears, until it shows 4 bars.
Talk to robot near the entrance. He will give you an additional COIN
Go to factory gate and see Aert walk inside the factory.
Go back to the park and talk to green robot (Clove)
Clove needs a SPRING, SCREWDRIVER, and WOODEN PLANKS. You can talk to Clove again when you have these items in your inventory.
Put on the paper bag disguise and guy the SPRING from the shopkeeper
Go back to the factory gate, walk on platform made by Clove and go inside factory.
(continued in another post)
Walkthrough PART II
Set up
Walk inside the factory, get BELT from hooks near the entrance.
Walk around a bit and Poppy will appear. Talk to her.
Explore all the notes, signs and objects in this room and the go through the factory floor entrance
Two doors in the next room are mechanically locked. go up the stairs and into the next room
Go to the big window and turn on the auxiliary power — this opens the door in the previous room
Go back to the previous room (note the floor grate near the middle) and go through the door on the right/east side.
Obtaining the key
In the next room (the long conveyor room), cross the room and get the metal HOOK from the table.
Combine the HOOK with the BELT to make a BELT WITH HOOK.
Use the BELT WITH HOOK on the metal floor grate in the previous room to get KEY
Go back to the long conveyor room and go up the stairs that touch the long conveyor.
Use the KEY on the control panel and note that the big gear cannot move because something is stuck in it.
Go to the top of the long conveyor room and note the crank mechanism lacks sufficient power to open the doors.
Go through the door near the center top of the long conveyor room to get to the next room (the maze room)
The maze room
In the maze room, take the conveyor that goes left, then go up and pull lever #1. Return to start with right conveyor.
Take conveyors, left, up, left, down, down, down and note the hatch door is closed. walking to the right you will find lever #2; pull it. Return to start by going up, up right.
Take conveyors left, up, left, left, down, down, down, left, up, left and you will find lever #3, pull it. The hatch door opens. Go to the hatch: down, right, up, up (note closed door), right, right, down, down.
Enter the hatch, which takes you to the upper left corner of the maze room. Turn the crank *once* to open door (turning it again seems to close the door).
Go down, down, down, down, left, up, up to find the door is now open. Walk down the hall and into the next room (which is the long conveyor room). Get CROW BAR stuck in gear. Be sure to read the note on the way back. Scary!
Exit the maze by going right, right, right, up, right to the starting area.
Go back to the long conveyor room and hit switches on the control panel again. Watch the machine create a motor. Go pick up WIND-UP MOTOR. Go back to the factory floor room
Obtaining the wheels
From the factory floor room take the door on the left/west side
In this room there is a hamster wheel and a conveyor. The conveyor is running the wrong way, but you can see a door on the other side. The control panel changes the direction of the conveyor.
If you get in the hamster wheel and run to 4 bars, you can open the door, but cannot reach it in time with the conveyor running the wrong way. The control panel does not work yet.
Go to the large metal panel on the top wall and open it with CROWBAR. Reset the circuit breaker.
Flip the switch on the control panel to change the conveyor direction. Run on the hamster wheel to 4 bars, and then run around through the door you’ve opened quickly.
Obtain WHEELS from counter. Turn the crank to re-open door and leave this room.
Go back to the room with two big hamster wheels next to each other.
Getting the motors running
Combine the WHEELS and the WIND-UP MOTOR. This gives you a WIND-UP CAR.
Place the WIND-UP CAR inside one of the hamster wheels. Wind up the WIND-UP CAR. It will make one wheel go to 4 bars. While that happens, run in the other wheel to bring it to 4 bars as well. You know you did it right when the big gears below start to turn.
Go back to the long conveyor room. Now the door at the top right will open if you turn the crank in the crank mechanism.
Go through the newly opened door and two more hallways until you find the Corkscrew game torturing Aert. They give you the “treatment”! How awful!
(walkthrough continued in another post)
Show the photo to everyone to progress the story.
The closet
Use the BOX CUTTER to free yourself.
Open the box in the upper left (other boxes contain less useful contents) with the BOX CUTTER to answer phone
Move bookshelf to reveal hatch in floor
Go down ladder.
Lamp puzzles
Turn on all the black lamps at the same time to open each door.
The first one is easy — just one lamp!
Second one, turn on the center lamp so both ends go at once.
Third one, turn on the center top or center bottom so both ends go at once.
Fourth one, turn on the fifth lamp from the left on the top side so all black lamps turn on at once.
Continue on to the pool room
Pool room
Answer phone. A room full of water! How scary!
Fill the BUCKET with water.
Exit the pool room to the south. You’re now back on the factory floor. Turn the crank to open the door.
Poppy appears. Talk to her.
Enter the right-side door to the break room
Get LARGE COIN from the sofa on the right
Shake the vending machine 8 times to obtain ROLL OF WIRE (you can use this to make yourself a bracelet)
Note the grate in the upper right. You cannot open it yet. Exit the factory altogether at the front gate.
Talk to Clove at the front gate
Give Clove the LARGE COIN
Clove will give you the BOOTS and then the WRENCH
Go back and use the WRENCH on the metal grate in the break room
Enter the vent and go down to the back room
Final drama
Watch Poppy reveal herself as a false and deceptive robot in her desperation
Walk almost to the stairs and open the machine at the top of the room. You see loose wires inside.
Attach the wires using your ROLL OF WIRE. This lights up an LED on a nearby control panel.
Go to the control panel to the left of the stairs. Flip the switch a few times. Make sure the conveyer is headed *right* when you’re done.
On the far right hand side, you can see Aert is trapped.
Use the crank to bring Aert up to you. Quickly put the CROWBAR in the gear to stop it from reversing.
Use the BOX CUTTER to free Aert.
Watch Aert try to run away and fail because he cannot tie his shoelaces
Check on Aert. Cork is now coming after you! Quickly go to the control panel and reverse the direction of the conveyer, disabling Cork.
(if you fail at this stage, you will get to restart the stage)
Follow Aert and watch the drama.
Throw the BUCKET w/ WATER on the main computer
More drama. Poppy loves the nerd.
Further instructions
Talk on the phone. Talk to Poppy and Aert. Talk to the police at the barricades.
Talk to the bartender and the other people in the bar. Sense any unfinished business there?
Go back to the factory. Using the door to the left, go back to the pool room. Fill the BUCKET again.
Give the BUCKET W/ WATER to the human at the bar for an EASTER EGG
(unclear what to do with the EASTER EGG. Offering it to certain people says you are spinning a gear).
In the break room at the factory, you can use the pencil on the poster on the top wall.
Go to the main computer from the climax scene in the factory. Answer the phone.
Open the panel and obtain the ???
Exit left, answer the phone, and put the ??? in the mailbox
Taking the elevator to the left will end the game, but you can also go back to the town if you wish.
That is one sexy looking wrench! Ha ha.
Now to verify I am a robot. Not!
E a s t e r e g g f r o m g e t t i n g h i m a d r i n k .
Wow that took me a long time.
Much better than the first one.
Still hate the phone guy.
Hope we don't have to wait 3 years for the next door.
Thanks for posting this Bart.
Not a big fan of this sort of game. Escape games, yes. But not games that are so keyboard-reliant; I'm more interested in point-and-click. They're much easier to deal with.
Also, the page reloaded on me immediately, so I don't trust it.
Oh cool- I was always looking forward to seeing the next game!
Waiting to play til I get a nice amount of time this weekend. :-)
Done... not sure I liked it so much. I had globally a nice time, but found the game a little bit long. Some parts are not really interesting - like the travelator room. Also the scenario is sometimes really strange, and you need to be lucky or make "not so logical" tries...
Last but not least, in my mind using the keyboard is boring - specially when you need to use or combine items, and even more specially when precisely you have to make tries....
omg I'm in the conveyor belt room now and ready to give up. Sometimes I'd get stuck between 4 conveyor belts all heading towards me, and I'd have to find the perfect pixel to enter the conveyor belt on to get out. With a keyboard control, that's next to impossible. After the 3rd time getting stuck, I give up, at least for now @_@
otherwise a very cute game.
I'd just like to add that, after playing this game, I'm amused by the "I'm not a robot" check box I have to click to post on here.....
Looks like my walkthrough part III got deleted somehow. I'll try to post it one more time...
The closet
Use the BOX CUTTER to free yourself.
Open the box in the upper left (other boxes contain less useful contents) with the BOX CUTTER to answer phone
Move bookshelf to reveal hatch in floor
Go down ladder.
Lamp puzzles
Turn on all the black lamps at the same time to open each door.
The first one is easy — just one lamp!
Second one, turn on the center lamp so both ends go at once.
Third one, turn on the center top or center bottom so both ends go at once.
Fourth one, turn on the fifth lamp from the left on the top side so all black lamps turn on at once.
Continue on to the pool room
Pool room
Answer phone. A room full of water! How scary!
Fill the BUCKET with water.
Exit the pool room to the south. You’re now back on the factory floor. Turn the crank to open the door.
Poppy appears. Talk to her.
Enter the right-side door to the break room
Get LARGE COIN from the sofa on the right
Shake the vending machine 8 times to obtain ROLL OF WIRE (you can use this to make yourself a bracelet)
Note the grate in the upper right. You cannot open it yet. Exit the factory altogether at the front gate.
Talk to Clove at the front gate
Give Clove the LARGE COIN
Clove will give you the BOOTS and then the WRENCH
Go back and use the WRENCH on the metal grate in the break room
Enter the vent and go down to the back room
Final drama
Watch Poppy reveal herself as a false and deceptive robot in her desperation
Walk almost to the stairs and open the machine at the top of the room. You see loose wires inside.
Attach the wires using your ROLL OF WIRE. This lights up an LED on a nearby control panel.
Go to the control panel to the left of the stairs. Flip the switch a few times. Make sure the conveyer is headed *right* when you’re done.
On the far right hand side, you can see Aert is trapped.
Use the crank to bring Aert up to you. Quickly put the CROWBAR in the gear to stop it from reversing.
Use the BOX CUTTER to free Aert.
Watch Aert try to run away and fail because he cannot tie his shoelaces
Check on Aert. Cork is now coming after you! Quickly go to the control panel and reverse the direction of the conveyer, disabling Cork.
(if you fail at this stage, you will get to restart the stage)
Follow Aert and watch the drama.
Throw the BUCKET w/ WATER on the main computer
More drama. Poppy loves the nerd.
Further instructions
Talk on the phone. Talk to Poppy and Aert. Talk to the police at the barricades.
Talk to the bartender and the other people in the bar. Sense any unfinished business there?
Go back to the factory. Using the door to the left, go back to the pool room. Fill the BUCKET again.
Give the BUCKET W/ WATER to the human at the bar for an EASTER EGG
(unclear what to do with the EASTER EGG. Offering it to certain people says you are spinning a gear).
In the break room at the factory, you can use the pencil on the poster on the top wall.
Go to the main computer from the climax scene in the factory. Answer the phone.
Open the panel and obtain the ???
Exit left, answer the phone, and put the ??? in the mailbox
Taking the elevator to the left will end the game, but you can also go back to the town if you wish.
If anyone knows what to do with the EASTER EGG, I'm curious...
You use the easter egg on the chicken statue in the park. I'm pretty sure the gear-spinning text is a bug.
Very fun. excited that I didn't have to go with any walkthroughs or hints :)
Very fun game by the way
YES! I remember when the first game came out...been waiting since then for the sequel! What a nice surprise!
Missed the roll of wire initially, because 8 times?! Other than that, convoluted but enough hints to get you through...
Super cute style, love the whole feel of the game. Just played the first one then this, and I really enjoyed all of it.
User-friendly wise, I didn't mind the key controls too much. I agree with the others who said the conveyor room was tricky to find the right spot, which was irksome. Additionally, the areas where you could and couldn't walk were weird in a few other places around the factory as well.
Super pumped for door 3
PS there's like a 3 second cut scene after the credits...
anybody got any clue what to do in the eastern-egg room?
which room is on the first tv?
Exactly my kind of game! Loved it. Thanks for sharing, Bart!!
Anonymous 4 December 2016 at 14:30
The back door on the right leads to a little book shelf room with music to listen to. I don't think there's anything practical to do.
The room on the first TV is the living room from the first game (I believe)
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