Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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September 05, 2012
a new bontegame: 40xescape

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First on a Bart Game. Very cool.
Second, cool as well.
Yay Bart!
ok. was blazing right along. fairly simple with good clues. then got stuck. you did it again, bart. lured me in thinking "aw, this is easy" then hit me with a hard one. haha!
way to go bart back to the escape games! very nice game too. some challenging puzzles some very easy, a perfect mix.
Thanks Bart! Great job!
Done and done. Awesome game!
Excellent escape game, Bart! I got stuck for a bit on level 35 but finally figured it out :) Thanks for sharing your latest creation with us!
Great job, Bart! I love it! Made it through only using hints for lvl 35! I'm kinda proud of myself...and of you too, Bart! Awesome game. :)
Fun! Some of the puzzles were too easy, but some definitely had me scratching my head.
had an error on lvl 9 by using internet explorer. the light don't lit.
with firefox works...
Yay! Can't wait to play it!
I'm getting an error on level 9 as well, even in Firefox. Nothing is happening at all.
brillient game got stuck a few times which i like, carry it on bart
" Anonymous said...
I'm getting an error on level 9 as well, even in Firefox. Nothing is happening at all.
5 September 2012 09:58"
It's alright. It worked for me eventually.
@Anon 5/9 9:01 - I used Internet Explorer and it works for me. Are you making sure that you follow the instructions?
Bart, that was a fantastic game. It started off fairly easy, and then there were a couple of ones where I had to stop and think a little, and I loved the return of the bird!
Fairly easy but liked the concept a lot, the yellow bird hopping about all the time is genius. Nice!
I liked the game a lot.
I liked the simple design. I liked the puzzles.
Most of all I liked the little bird, which I shall call "Anja".
Really nice one! Just needed a bit help for the 29...
Thank you Bart and keep going!
How can I do level 20?
Great game. Some easy. Some I had to think hard about. Some I kicked myself when I realised what to do.
I signed up to judge CGDC10, and this was the first game I tried. I have to say, I was not disappointed! Most levels were easyish, some I sort of fumbled through. For example, I got #19 in the end, but what was the logic behind it?
couldn't believe my brain fart on #38!
thanks so much, bart!
A Great Game Bart.
level 9 isn't working for me :(
i always love your game style... the clean simplicity is such a treat :)
and totally loved the birdie!
Wo!! Got stuck in level 38. And so, there was a level with the hint 4x4 that I passed no idea how o__O
Oh, the bird is free now ^___^
Nice and easy, nr. 29 and 35 were tricky
Fun escape game...entertaining as well, some are easy and others need the right thinking.I got stuck at levels 16 and 38 a bit.
Anw thanks for the new game Bart,hope for some more later...
Thanks Bart! I'm so excited to play another game by you.
stuck on 22. any help?
I stopped at lvl 20 out of sheer boredom. That is a boring and repetitive game.
bart!!!! level 9 ..did you really let me sit there and drink my vodka? you sneaky devil you :P i love the music too!! psst...would be neat if you dedicated a level to minoto :) hugs love ya always hon
this is a great game- very straightforward, although must say i got bored after lvl 13 and gave up....
Thanks for playing everyone! In case you need a little help, you can find hints/a walkthrough over here:
To everyone that had a problem with level 9, I couldn't reproduce the problem, but I think I know what was causing it. There is now a new version online that should solve it.
Could someone that had a problem with level 9 confirm this please? Thanks!
(note: to verify you are playing the fixed version of the game, there is now a small 'v1.1' indication in the opening screen with the ad in the big pink ball)
Again with the sound... Bart I just love your games but I have to be able to turn the sound off. Everyone should have the choice to listen or not to listen. That goes for introduction sounds, background sounds and background music. You get a big thumbs down from me today. I'm not playing!
Bart -I've never written before, but have loved your games for a long time. I don't understand how anyone could become bored with this game! It's wonderful - you make us think outside the box over and over, and that's never boring! I love this game! Thank you so much!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH........... so that was why you dint post anything! You were working!
yay! escaped 40x and bird went free! some levels were pretty tricky, but fairly simple. good game!
superb as always x
y'all say that level nine don't work. but it worked for me.
very very nice! I got stuck on 29 and... 5 :P
Thank you, Bart!
I love this one, I needed help on level 27 but got all the rest!
the lvl 9 in the new version works now on internet explorer & firefox.
thankx bart!
Several people mentioned the bird....
Well, the little goof distracted me enough on one level that I was convinced you could only light a letter when the bird was NOT pecking on the side of the door. LOL!
Finally figured out the bird had nothing to do with it. :)
awesome game only bart can make such beautiful and entertaining games. Can't w8 for the next one ^^
What the... a new Bonte Game! Yeah! :)
Nice one!
P.S: the bird rules! XD
I can't seem to get rid of the rumbling Armor Games jingle thing?
Marco Germany
Fun and just what I needed today. A nice little set of puzzles. The bird was a nice little touch. Thanks Bart!
Nice game! Some puzzles had unnecessary hints, while some were very vague...but this was fun and most of them were cool. Thanks!
Simplemente genial.
the "chick" was originally from:a bonte escape.fun game too.
Not your masterpiece, sorry Bart!
The game is a bit boring. Once started it's hard to quit, but tricks are not original and really predictable.
Don't worry, I'm sure that a new and better game will be ready soon!
Very fun, although could have been a little trickier and a little less repetitive. Thanks Bart!
Bart you're so creative!! Always loved your games! :D
Nice respite. A bit on the easy side and repetitive but it's nice to have an easy game every now and then. Kinda copying 100 floors/exits? Do more and make them progressively challenging.
Nice little escape. A couple of floors made me think for just a little bit...but I got it all by my onesies.
Thanks, Bart!
Loved the game bart. It was 10:00 at night when I played it after a tiering day at school so I had to use a walkthrough on 4-5 of the levels. But thought it was good and KEEP GOING WITH THE ESCAPES BART!!
lvl. 21 was difficult with a laptop!!!!!!!!
Level 27, any hints?
Great game! Thanks for creating and sharing!
Yay! Another Bonte game!
Loved it! Some levels were really tricky, but I figured them all out on my own. Thanks for the great game.
it reminded me a lot of 100 floors on my phone but a good game none the less
Hi Bart
I loves this one! I had ply planned to do about half and then pick it up some other time, but played it through without any help. Got stuck a few times but figured it out in the end. And I loved that little birdie! I wasn't all alone in that room but had a little friend! Very sweet! :)
Thanks, Bart! Keep up the good work!
I liked the bonte rooms, a bonte escape and free the bird more!!!!
i cant finish lvl 11
figured it out thx to my coment lol
Good game, as always Bart! Easy in general, I got stuck only on a few levels but I finally figured them out. Looking forward your next game! What about a second part of Full moon...? Just wishing... ;-)
Correction to previous message: "looking forward TO".
Simple, but entertaining!
Fun! entertaining! a winner! cute!
thanks for posting, bart!
Excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Bart's bird is like the blue elephant :)
this game is swag
Great game! clever and fun :)
hi bart,
can't play your game anymore - seems the site contain a malicious virus :(((
Same problem. My browser warns that jayisgames has been reported as an attack site.
Same problem. My browser warns that jayisgames has been reported as an attack site.
JayIsGames had an attack indeed, here's their statement:
"We had an attack last night and so we took the site down immediately once we learned of the issue. The site has since been fixed and is now back online and safe to visit again. The malware warnings should go away soon, once the pending Google site review has been completed."
So all should be fine now.
Right you are! Site has a clean bill-of-health as I write this.
Nice work, jayisgames!
Not bad. Only three or four took some real thinking, but all were amusing.
kind of easy sorry bart...
Love this game...THANKS BART... :-)
I had to use your walkthrough for the 2nd half of the game. But I had been dieing for a Factory Balls 5. I made an example of 35 new levels on PowerPoint and should be sending it to you in a week. But yeah, nice escape game! I've always pictured a game like this and BAM! My thoughts come true. The game was the perfect birthday present, since it came out 2 days after my birthday.
I need help on level 27.
Awesome game! I love challenges, and I think this was possibly the best game in the history of the planet.
am i the only nerd that tried to enter 29 factorial as the answer on level 29?
am i the only nerd that tried to enter 29 factorial as the answer on level 29?
can't figure out level 11 :_(
Thank you for this game Bart. I've just come back after a long hiatus, your games are always that bit different and require lateral thinking. Thanks so much for helping my brain stretch a little!!
I hate playing this game and it makes my brain sweat! I am still Gamer Boy but I changed it to 6tfhdu
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