Please, Touch The Artwork is out now on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. (The game is also out on Steam and Itchio but you'll really want to 'touch' these artworks.)
It's exactly the game I want to play on a mobile device, so I can only highly recommend this game. What's more, Thomas was so kind to provide 5 free copies for Android and 5 free copies for iOS for all you puzzle-loving bontegames visitors! So close on the heels of the last one, it's already another bontegames giveaway! Send me an email ( by next Monday noon CET with 'Please touch android' or 'Please touch iOS' as the subject and an innocent hand will pick 10 winners who will receive this excellent puzzler for free!
Very cool. Thanks, Bart!
I don't know, Bart. Ten dollars for a game the reviewers are listed as playing for about two hours is kind of steep. What I love about your blog is that you find mostly free games, or games with free demos. Adding a for-pay game you think deserves it is, of course, up to you. But there are so many good, casual puzzlers out there for free that you can play for an hour or two that I can't see myself dropping a sawbuck on one of them.
Brilliant game, brilliant recommendation. It's beautifully clever and well-made, and the art is a joy.
RE: the price - I paid $5 for it, which didn't seem crazy.
It's Monday noon, the giveaway has ended, I'm about to pick the winners, watch your inbox!
Yaaaayyyy, thank you so much for the code, Bart. And thank you the innocent hand that picked me, whoever you are, y'all are Awesome!
Just downloaded it now and played it quite awhile. And it's safe to say that it is such a pleasant game! The puzzle looks really clean and simple, but gets interestingly complex as it goes on. The story infused tutorial is also pretty neat way to introduce some stuff (and the story is pretty nice too). Also I love that the game has 3 different types of puzzles, gives me a plenty of ways to enjoy the game.
Once again, thanks alot for the giveway, and thanks to Thomas as well for making this! :D
I love when a unique game like this comes along, it's so refreshing. And I don't mind paying to support indie devs as hopefully I am helping them to develop more awesome games in the future, though I thought compared to the size of the game the price was a teeny bit high.
Story line was fun and made me smile a lot. Puzzles had just the right balance between not to easy and not too difficult, and the art work is lovely.
Hope that there will be more modes and levels added to the game as it didn't take me an awfully long time to finish most of it.
Got completely stuck with the Style level 54. I am pretty sure that I have completed the picture and got it right... but the game won't move forward??
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