Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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I'm stuck at the dragon!
quite fun, but the controls/interactions are not always very logical..
well, I guess being a prince and encountering dragons is not all that logical either!
oh, never mind...I dealt with the dragon =)
fun little game!
I really enjoyed this until the end, special!
*sigh*, yet another developer that can't be bothered to create a proper game, and so feels compelled to derail it with pretentious philosophical yammering before it even gets going.
not for me
Loved this little gem.
Wow, that was pretty deep. But I know what I am looking for. Jesus, our Lord and savior.
If Mr. Boring Prince thinks this is going to keep me from playing platformers about killing dragons and whatnot, he is sadly mistaken. I've come to terms with my obsessions. A good wakeup call, even if it didn't work on me.
Chrome didn't like it, but I found that you could go directly to http://thejourneyofme.yodog.fr/JoMv4.5/index.html and it plays nicely.
Really, was that necessary, Erica? Leave it at church. (And no, it wasn't deep, just pretentious).
I enjoyed this game. I like unique games that make me think. Nice one!
Not cool. Caused blue screen of death. Big thumbs down.
There are certainly some pretentious things going on here; not with the game, but with certain anonymous commentators. Me, I realize that Yodog made the game this way on purpose, not because of a shortage of ideas. There are a gazillion games in which you can win the treasure at the end; Yodog chose something unique instead. Never mind those who want the usual stuff; the complainers can get it anywhere else. Well done, Yodog; you've created something unexpected, thought-provoking, and original.
-- Anonymous C
I've been trolled for almost 30 minutes.... -_-
But it was fun (I think)
But that's the point if he really wanted us to think and change he would have made it so we can change and not be obligated to kill thing like undertale to name the most famous. But you can't so it just come as "You are berating me for doing the only thing i can do in your game and continue to play since the only other option is closing it" and since i am not masochist i closed the game and unless i see it on bontegames when i come looking for other game i AM going to forget it so no really tought provoking
Game froze once I killed the second baby dragon but I wasn't sure if it was part of the game or not - and I really didn't care either way! Kill and you're BAD! Don't kill and you're DEAD! Lose/lose...
Amen, Erica!
Interesting, I guess, but I would've liked it more if there were some option that didn't get you berated for being a murderer, like if you had the option to go around the dragon or something.
Another thing I found interesting about this game is the concept of losing your power-ups as the game progresses. It would be interesting to have an actual platformer that did that. Like you start off being able to use all the weapons and jumps and attacks, but as you go along, you lose those abilities and you have to figure out how to solve the puzzles without all the bells and whistles.
(I apologize in advance for the length of this.)
I pulled up the page looking for a short, simple game before bed, and now I'm sitting here feeling pretty depressed. I might suggest adding a trigger warning of some kind. Gameplay ultimately forces the protagonist to berate and condone you (pretty severely) before he commits suicide, and that's intense.
Don't get me wrong, there's a lot I like here. I agree with the above poster that the element of slowly losing your skills rather than gaining them is pretty cool. And I don't mind when my platformers go philosophical/psychological. This style of game tends to be a favorite of mine.
But in its current form, this boils down to a developer making me feel bad for playing the game he/she/they designed without giving me any alternative but to NOT play the game. Maybe that's the point, but it seems counterproductive for the dev(s). I "died" several times trying to figure out a way to pass the dragon before realizing I HAD to kill it to progress, then I'm immediately abused by my protagonist for doing so? I played through the game feeling worse and worse, thinking there may be some element of redemption in the end. When that proved not to be the case, I thought a continued "reboot" would provide alternate paths to prove I'd "learned" something. I tried just letting the protag sit in the castle, then returning to the castle when he complained about it getting late. I tried ignoring coins, but it seems to play at all, you must play under a single set of terms that make you the villain.
I like the story, but if the intention is to get us thinking why or how we act, even just within the setting of a game, there needs to be some other layer to this.
Oh, and to anyone else like me who, unfortunately, takes things like this WAY too personally: let me throw out that trigger warning for some pretty belligerent verbal abuse directed specifically toward the player.
@Anon 22:31: I think he wanted us to think about playing other games, not just this one. There are a lot of games out there that require you to be violent to progress, and I don't think I've ever seen any others that tell you it's wrong on some level, so maybe he just wanted you to think of this next time you ran into one of those.
Also, to people who closed the game rather than kill innocent creatures: I don't think that's what Yodog intended you to do, but it probably attests to certain good qualities in you, so I for one am not judging.
I really like the music
Was anyone foolish enough to connect to Facebook?
What kind of hate posts did you get ?
I was going to say something about this game, but there's really not much I can add at this point. On the one hand, I did kill a defenseless dragon and (some of) its children, but on the other hand, touching any of them caused instant death. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't anything like that living right below the kingdom I live in.
In any case, it was a sadder game than I was hoping it'd be, but thought-provoking nonetheless. I'd give it a 7 out of 10.
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