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October 25, 2015
room d

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I'm completely stuck at the bit with the book. I have 3 different coins and a blue book, with some dots on some of the pages.
The book matches the clock, but you need to get the clock working first. I'm stuck on 10 -> 60 -> 160 -> 165 and I have the coins, but no idea what to do with this...
@kirby: You need 2 coins of 100, and put them in the device on the blue shelf. Then, you get some change that fits in the dolls.
Also, the clock is stuck for me too. I know I can turn it around and open the back, but I don't know where to get the gear.
nvm, think I found something to progress with.
You get the gear in the screen all the way to the left, you'll need the wrench.
i'm stuck with the gear in the clock and the blue book
What does x10 mean?
And done! Tricky one, doubly so because I missed an item early on.
click on the circle that corresponds with the shadow 10 times
Anon@23:55 : x10 means 10 inputs are needed nearby.
Gah! More than a little bit of walkthrough required for this... Some things really are just trial and error...
Out - not without some help...
Good game, I've had fun!
What does the "10 > 60 > 160 > 165" written on the wall mean?
I like how all the books are labeled book and all the pictures are labeled picture.
That said, I'm stuck with a blue book. I really want to put the options gear in the wall thingy (it would fit perfectly!) but I have a feeling that's not the answer. Hint?
Jeez, I needed the walkthrough for quite a few things. Especially towards the end it gets so tricky, you pretty much have to look in all places all over again. Ugh.
Anonymous 02:04: Insert first the 10 coin into the lamp/piggybank, then the 50, then the 100, and then the 5, then push the button. You first gotta find the pliers to take that nail out.
@ Anonymous 02:04: order for using coins
@Emily: you need gear before using the book. Do you have a wrench yet?
hm, doesn't work for me
just get the start screen and that's it :(
oh my gosh
I usually really like room escape games - but this one lacks of logic a lot
it's just try and error - that's too bad
I think with a little improvement this could have been a nice one
tesshi-e is a lot better
I eventually managed without a walkthrough, but it was tough. I got stuck a lot, and then I had to go around trying various things until I hit upon something that worked. A good thing that it was fairly linear.
Great game.
I'm not sure I can make this game start on a PC...is it even possible? What am I missing here...?
Out, no walkthrough needed. The only thing that annoyed me was the compartment containing the pliers. It wasn't obvious to me that there was a compartment there, and I didn't click in the right place at first after I had unlocked it. The rest of the game was pretty straightforward. The clues were all there - you just needed to pay attention.
Click on the big picture of the room on the top of the page veewee
I guess I meant wrench, not pliers.
I really struggled with that one - and even with the walkthrough, I'm not sure that I completely understood the wiring configuration puzzle.
It's quite a stylish game, and I loved the jigsaw pieces clue, but there were too many moments where I got stuck.
It never would have occurred to me to click the floor, or try to find another view of the desk lamp, if I hadn't looked up a walkthrough...
AltoFronto - the wiring puzzle does make sense: you have to create a clean through connection for each colour, one in each of the 4 puzzles. But yes, so much was not intuitive...
Tom, I'm entirely with you here. In fact, I needed to read a walkthrough to find out I could open that compartment containing the wrench. Such a pity I didn't click there :-) Otherwise clean, logical and original installment!
Of course you could open it... it's literally labeled "safe", and I've never seen a safe that doesn't open
Well, the lettering on those items is pretty difficult to read (not to mention ambiguous). If I look at it, I can see it with difficulty, but I wasn't really looking for a clue there. The point is that it wasn't supposed to be a puzzle, but there was no obvious handle to click on, and if you didn't read "safe box lock" or whatever it says, there was no clear reason to expect to be able to open it. Sure, I eventually got it, but I don't consider it a good use of time.
once I finally got the game started I really quite enjoyed it and needed minimal help...until that last coloured wires puzzle...and that's what made me understand some people's irritation with the game...that one was a bit much for me too..and fairly incomprehensible (though, to be fair, I stopped trying to understand...)
i'm stuck. the things on the computer have me stumped :/
6 lines on the staff correspond to 6 ropes, if that helps
The colored wires puzzle didn't seem too bad to me. I certainly didn't think of the intended solution first, but a little experimentation made it pretty clear how it worked and what needed to be done.
kotorinosu has clearly become one of the best escape game designers, both in puzzles and graphics. This game had sort of a "breakthrough" feel for me, the way it played across the whole web page, and those "inset" closeups. This is thinking outside of the usual escape-game "box."
Only complaint on the final puzzle is I spent way too much time trying to turn that exit door colored-dot design into a puzzle code.
OK I get all of it except the music notes = ropes code is 2532341.
There is no way I would ever get that from the 3 rows of 8 or 9 notes!
I agree clicking on some places was not expected, an active cursor would help.
Finally the 4 doubly hidden wire panels for the last key puzzle was tricky.
There was a very specific clue for the ropes and notes which you apparently missed. At the top of the closet is a musical symbol which matches with a single symbol in the sheet music. Having done that, you can simply read off the rope positions relative to that symbol. The only trick is making sure you match the solution to the proper section of the music, but the symbol shows you exactly where.
@Anonymous 18:23: that rope code series occurs from the tenth to the sixteenth note, and works even if, like me, you missed the clue about the vital section, and just play through the lot! I did briefly ponder why he had bothered to include pauses... decided they were for realistic effect!
I'm out!
I'm so proud, despite the fact I had to peek at the walkthrough multiple times.
I definitely agree that an active cursor would've helped. I never would've guessed there was another view on the other side of that broken lamp.
The wire puzzle absolutely stumped me for a while because there was no clear indication that I could do anything more than click left once, right once, or the key button once. All of which did nothing.
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