I created the puzzle game piksels for lowrezjam, a game jam with the restriction to create a game with a maximum screen resolution of 32x32 pixels (or upscaled).
Use the curkeys to control (and the R-key to reset a level). There are 16 levels, enjoy!
Fiiiirst! Niiiiice! Cooool game Bart!
i made it to the end! that was fun, bart!
Great puzzle game Bart, I reached the end! Thanks!
Nope. I gave up on level 3.
Good fun! I made it to (and completed) the end :)
Very nice puzzle game Bart! I reached the end and beat the end! :-)
Level 11 had me flummoxed for a while....finally got through it and the rest of the levels. Cheers again Bart to another great puzzler!
How did you do 11?
And level 15 is where I get stuck Darn.
Nevermind, just finished. Kinda expected more of an "ending" for some reason
Great game and a novel idea. Thanks!
Loved it! Some very nice toughish levels!
Got bored around level 9. I think sometimes a game can be more fun to program than it is to play.
All of a sudden my day just got 10 times better, a new game by my favorite game designer!! Love it, Bart!
Meblin: There's probably more than one way to do 11. What finally worked for me was making one super long snake and then just a single pixel snake. Then I worked both towards the outline and formed the big snake around the outline in such a way where I could move the single pixel by itself (to complete the square) by pushing back against the "head" of the big snake. Confusing, I know...probably didn't help, sorry.
Bontegame? OH YEAH!
15 - Nope, too hard
managed to get 11. Trapped the single pixel in a box styl shape with the long snake and worked it towards the target usine the non moving direction of the snake to keep the single pixel in check. 15 is impossible!
For 15 it just takes some patience. Gather all the pixels to the left edge of the screen and make one long string. Then you have to move it over to the single square where the outline is. You have to trim off a pixel at a time using that square and slowly build a square frame shape. Make a big "C" with the only remaining gap being in the middle of one of the sides. Get that last pixel inside the outline, move the "C" around that square and pixel, and you should be able to complete it.
Fun game, Bart :) I just have to finish level 15.
Great game. could have moved a little quicker with faster key presses... surely it could have been slicker with such simple graphics and play? But then again i guess you're pushed for time in a game jam. Loved it. More please!
Sorry Bart
J'ai abandonné lachement au niveau 5... Je n'ai pas assez de patience!
Another excellent game, Bart! [and here I am, excellent player ;)]
I struggled but I conquered the victory.
Thank you! :)
nice one, like the graphics and idea. Levels r kind of easy. Hope there will be some more.
congrats ^^
nice one, like the graphics and idea. Levels r kind of easy. Hope there will be some more.
congrats ^^
i know how level 3 would be done, but I got freaking stuck :( nuuuuuu
i won the end! (And, after alot of trying, level 15)
Some levels were hard!
some were easier.
the whole game was so nice, as usual!
i loved it,
and finished it!
bravo et merci
level eleven i try but....
I finished! That was fun. Thanks, Mr. Bonte!
I also did the "end". :)
What does it say after the end- "cu"?
Oh, "see you". Sorry, that took me a second. I don't text much.
Oh wow! How simple yet amazingly brain-training game! Good job, Bart, your creative genius always amazes me!! ^_^
What Kati said.
Also, level 8 was the only one I was stuck on. The rest was fairly easy. Fun little time waster :)
Thanks, Bart!
Stuck on level 3. man...
Nice little game. Although the losing sound gets irritating fast.
Thankyou Chefsinger! I was going nuts with level fifteen, and I had already done the C shape! I was just missing the simples little final! Anyway, you helped a lot, I was about to give up! :)
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