If you follow the mobile apps world, you will certainly have heard about 'Curiosity', the pseudo-game by Peter Molyneux where everyone is tapping blocks away from a giant cube with the purpose of clicking away the very last block, and to find out what 'life-changing amazing' thing is inside.
Some people think 'Curiosity' is a genius social experiment, others think it promotes mindless idiocy.
Anyway, it made me create Furiosity on a whim, or what Curiosity would have been if it was actually a game.
Strip away every layer of the game, not mindlessly, but by logical thinking and in the end the first person to solve every level will win something possibly amazing... And maybe that one person is you!
1 – 200 of 208 Newer› Newest»Ahhh... I got stuck on level 5, I can't wait to keep trying. IM SO EXCITED TO BE FIRST ON YOUR GAME BART!
How many level??? ... It seems that the start is to find out. Let's see how long I will survive. :-) S.
Just be patient you will see it. I am also at level 5
I just can't lvl 15.
omg, it's so hard!
I have to cook. Otherwise we could have helped each other ...
Wait til you get to level 6. That one's hard.
Far too much brain strain for me, just can't see the pattern/logic - much tho I love you Bart, and the game looks great, I have to give it a miss!
Far too much brain strain for me, just can't see the pattern/logic - much tho I love you Bart, and the game looks great, I have to give it a miss!
@french The first person to solve every level will win something possibly amazing...
So I couldn't make this an easy one :)
22 is the killing me. h*m
Totally stuck at lvl 28...cant figure out how to combine clicks
I'm stuck on level 6. I give up.
stuck at 22
Stephanie, I reached level 7th But it is too hard now :( S.
Just flew right through. Until level 22. Now my eyes are crossing trying to figure it out.
lvl 22 are killing me and my head really hurts. how many levels remains of?
27 is probably going to be my last level
I have to say, this is a really fantastic game. Moving on to level 15, and loving it. :D
Stuck on 27 >___<
lvl 28 is harder!!!
Try level 31...that's the hardest one I've come across.
I'm also stuck on level 22. :(
I can change all blocks except for one. OMG it's driving me nuts.
Try level 34.. I've been stuck there for 45 minutes.
Easy. Every time you click a square, It will cover up it and the ones next to it. There are 6 vertical rows, The row all the way to the left is row 1 and the one to all the way right is row 6. That means one thing:
Click all the squares in rows 2 and 5.
Currently on Level 6. Heard someone say that there was a Level 31. I'm surprised that a game with a truckload of levels is so hard early on.
I'm on level 35 now. They're a mix or easy and hard, they're not the usual of getting harder but rather seem random on simplicity to difficulty.
So far up to LVL 31.
Anybody has a clue about lvl 30 ? I can change the color of the first row but can't change the rest.
Level 40 is madness! You have to guess the right order!
Hard work, level 16 S.
i cant get level 22!!!
Oops. Meant to say I'm on LVL 39. Or still on 39 as the case may be.*sigh*
god. level 35 seems so easy
Help for level 22??
My goodness. level 22 Good night .. Klik.klik.klik.klik ;-)) S.
Stuck on 39. Those squares make me crazy ^^
Yes, level 22. Do not ask how . S.
level 38 has me completely stumped
Level 40 is insanely furious!
OK, I'm well and truly stuck now. Level 39 is the end for me
I don't have the time or paitence to get past 40. I've gotten 18 of the 36 squares. I go no farther.
Can anyone give me a hint for level 35 please? :)
I'm still not aware how I passed level 5. Now I reached level 19 but I'll have a break (food, sleep, calm down). Furiosity expresses well what I felt at so many levels :)
Good job, Bart!
Stuck at level 39...
Perhaps a refreshing shower ? :) Bart do you know I haven't slept all night because of this ?
Does anyone know how to get past level five?
Anon - level 5 is quite easy.
Imagine the first row to be numbered 1-6. Press 2 and 5 and continue all the way down the columns :).
On level 39, still going. My trick for level 40 is graphing paper.
@Yiana, thank you!! do you know how to get past six? i tried everything!
OMG 15 AH :o
Made it to 27 without feeling like it was too tough. Then I hit the brick wall of shame and frustration. Will try to get further in a few more hours. Thanks for this game, Bart. As always, your games are amazing and fun!
Wish I could win something amazing, but I am stuck on one of the levels.
Just beaten level 40 :).
Awesome game Bart!
I'm a level 22 victim and proud of it (?!)
Add me to the list of those defeated by level 22.
Stuck on 34 now. I get the pattern, my brain is just too fuzzy to do it correctly. Will attempt again later :)
For level 40 Bonte does something totally evil. You need to press the blocks in an arbitrary order and any time you click an incorrect block, the board is reset. I figured out the order of 14 presses, they are as follows:
? ? 9 14 4 ?
11 2 5 ? ? 10
? ? 13 ? 1 ?
? 3 ? ? ? ?
8 ? ? 7 ? 12
? ? 6 ? ? ?
the questionmarks are ones I have not gotten to yet (and probably never will,) the numbers indicate the order you press, and their position on my chart up there indicates what block the number refers to.
Good luck getting through this banal level everyone! and to you Bonte, well done. making logic puzzles all the way through the game until throwing logic out the window to be replaced with trial and excessive error for the last (I hope?) level is masterful trolling.
...aaand done! phew, the last one really took it out of me!
Any tips on level 39?
There are 40 levels to beat, and there are already some winners!
I made it to 40 without any help, I think all game long I knew this kind of level was going to appear.
I wasn't furious, just not interested in taking the time to do it so gave up.
endless clicking barrage.
I did not even finish level 2
nice game but i like more sugar games i am in level 16
any help for 16 level ? how disappears the last square?thanks
How I did level 22:
I clicked squares
Then I was left with two empty squares.
I clicked 8 times the square beneath the empty ones:
8x 33
8x 35
(I numbered the squares 1-36 from top down, from left to right)
I hope I remembered the numbers right.
Now, if you ask me WHY it worked or HOW I figured it out....... no idea!
...and stuck at level 28, voilà .
Life is hard: as soon as I think I'm a genius, it proves me painfully wrong...
Still stuck on 39! Oooooo it's frustrating! Aaaarrrrggghhhhh!!!!!
@Renda Fury : I know what you feel, I'm stuck on level 39 too.
This was fun (and challenging at times) up until 40 where it becomes a tedious trial and error exercise. I spent a long time trying to detect a pattern but it appears to be completely arbitrary which somewhat defeats the purpose of a logic puzzle. If there is a pattern and I just can't spot it then fair enough but if not then that seems poorly designed. Either way, I'm done, not interested in wasting my time trial and erroring my way to finding the sequence.
About that level 40 sequence, maybe you should keep an eye on my twitter feed: twitter.com/bartbonte ;) Cheers!
I do not know how to save. And my computer gets hot, so I had to shut the game down in the night on level 28. It's not funny because it was a long way to 28 I'm sad :-( Arrrrggg S.
I do not want to start over, I want my 28 level back ... S.
My levels is back .... yes ... :-)))
stuck on 33 can any one help!
please someone can help me on 27?
@Anonymous 19:46 and 19:42
Lvl 27 : double click on the first case of each range (up to down).
Lvl 33 : I can't give you an exact way to solve it, but try clicking a green case, then a purple case, then a green, a purple, a green, etc. Hope that will help.
Can someone help me on six?
thanks a lot, Isa!
Yes I beat all the levels! a great game by Bart Bonte, I wonder if I won something, looking forward to more games like these :)
I'm stuck! need help on six!
2 Questions:
1. What was the prize for solving all levels?
2.As for level 40 what about us users who don't do the whole Twitter thing?
Anyone know how to do level 31? I'm completely stuck.
Your solution isn't right. I've tried it many times over, I've tried doing slight variations on it, but I can't get it to work. Still stuck on 22.
Okay..... help from anyone on level six?
Level 6 - each click changes the two on either side of the square diagonally. I don't know the exact combination, though.
Have finally solved level 40
use the code off twitter.
if anyone knows how to solve 28... PLEASE!!
I'm stuck for hours.
Yeah finally I beat lvl 40.
Thank you Bart, this is excellent game.
Great game, really took me a while to figure out some of them. Completed level 40 with the help of the twitter codes.. otherwise I could have been at it for hours. ;D
I need help on six!! Someone PLEASE help!!!!
Anyone know how to do 39? I'm stuck and would like to finish the game. Please help!
Anyone know how to do 39? I'm stuck and would like to finish the game. Please help!
interesting... and soo confusing. but good game. :)
Stuck on Level 22 but not going to give up!
Anonymous said...
2.As for level 40 what about us users who don't do the whole Twitter thing?
You don't have to join or be a regular user of Twitter to read Bart's postings there.
Does anybody have a clue, a hint or a walkthrough for lvl 39 ? It's really frustrating being stuck jsut before the last level, help please ^^
AAAARGHHH!! dont like lvl 13. Have been stuck for 2 hours. up til then i thought it was oh so easy but... Oh well, fantastic game so far though, Bart!
YAY! have beaten lvl 13, but now am stuck on 15!
Hey Bart, love all your games incl. this one. 2 unrelated points. 1) i think the chicken on chicken grow is repulsive even though the game itself is great. 2) i also think you should put a search on your website.
sorry, u have one.
for level 22: If you somehow manage to make square 1 orange (top left corner)and square 36 (bottom right corner) orange, and then start clicking square number 6 (top right corner). You should be able to solve it. Hope this helps.
I'm still on Level 6. One of the Anonymous said something to help, but it didn't. Sorry, Anonymous. You only explained that the squares click diagonally. I was looking for the exact combination. I searched for a Walkthrough, but they were mostly references to the HotWheels Car. Even Jayisgames said "No results." The only walkthrough I could find was Bart Bonte's on twitter, but I'm not old enough to have an account!
@Bart Bonte
Please make one of those text script walkthroughs on your other website. It would help me a lot, and I just about gave up on Level 6.
can anyone help me on 28? great game, bart. although it does seem pretty mindless to me. maybe i'm just stupid.
y is everyone stuck on 6?
I don't understand how to play, can someone explain it to me like I'm 5?
For level 5: You need to click the second column top to bottom and the fifth column top to bottom, start counting from the left.
For level 6: I started in the bottom right corner (square 36), and I clicked so that it turned blue. Next I clicked square 35 so that 35 en 30 turned blue. Then it was square 34 so that the diagonal row turned blue. Then you have to choose carefully the next tile so that you turn the four squares diagonally at the same time, square 27 if I'm not mistaken. After this you need to see that you tackle each diagonal from the outside so that it turns blue in two clicks. And then repeat the proces discribed above in reverse. Hope it helps and makes a little sense.
@Tam, I used the beginning of your method for 22 but the ending I had to click 15 times each underneath to complete it. Thanks though!
For everyone else, @Tam's method works but you need to just click underneath each one until it is filled not just 8 times
what about 25 ?? helppp
A hint for level 28 - Only click on odd squares.
Has anyone gotten a black board like on the title preview?
Great game Bart! Really like a challenge like this
How do you solve level 39???!!!
@Isa on level 30 (probably already solved):
I clicked once every square in the first row
click 2x the squares on the 2nd row
and so on
(I hope this is an actual solution, unlike the one I posted about level 22... sorry, I thought I was right - but I don't dare going back to level 22 to try it, because I'm not sure I can then jump back to level 31... can I?)
Can someone help me on 29?
31 anyone?
31: stuck, yes.
How to solve it, no (not yet...):P
Glad not to be here alone :)
Does anyone have a hint for level 31?
@Carrett How did you get 39!?
I am having trouble figuring out level 40. I have some questions about the code if anyone can answer.
From the first post to the second post there is a 4 and a 2, is that 4 2 or is it 4,2. Each set of numbers doesn't seem to correlate to a specific square, there is too many. Can someone give me a hint as how to use the code?!
@PyroLuna I'll help you with 40 if you help me with 39
Okay, I've made it to 39. Fiddled with it for about 20 minutes and gave up for now but am going to try again later :)
Been stuck on this game all day! Finally beat it. The amount of excited success you feel when it's over is amazing. Bart, you're awesome.
level 39: (1) click the 6 diagonal fields from left to right, (2) click both of the diagonals with 4 fields from left to right (3) click both diagonals with 2 fields from left to right. you should now have a chess board in the middle with a yellow border and two blue corners.
(4) click the 6 blue diagonal squares from right to left, (5) the 4 diagonals from right to left - the yellow ones also! (6) now click on the four blue squares which are closer to the corners (0,4 5,1 0,4 and 1,5)
Hope that makes sense!
Any hint for level 38?
Which square goes after the 1st part half of the sequence?
@Boštjan Gabrovšek: After the first half the pattern goes three up, three down, three up etc.
@Anonymous 11:16 Thank you so much for lvl 39 !
If you click all of the odd boxes, you get a blank playing field on 28. So, is there a certain trick? I can get lots of pretty formations, but not the next level.
Plz help!!!
I want to figure out 40 so bad, but now it looks as if I'll never get the chance!
Bart, can you puh-leaze put out a solution?
Oh my god. 28 is going to KILL me. ugg...
any help for 25 ?? at the begging looks easy but after i stuck ( sorry for my english )
I don't understand the directions for 39. What is a field???
field = square
On level 40, I think the code works like a graph using 0 to 5, but they dont all work, no matter what way I put the graph or using different graphs for each sequence, and what about the single numbers, Please I need clues or the sequence
Will someone who's won mention an honest hint about what the prize is or is supposed to be? Also PyroLuna, a number directly before a comma goes right from the top left box, and a number directly after a comma goes down from the top left box. The spaces seperate the pairs, not the commas.
...dangit, messed up. The number directly after the comma is actually how many down from where the number directly before the comma left you.
Do we really get something awesome at the end? Because I'd like to know before i spend another hour stuck on level 31...
Yes! Yes! Yes! I did it!!! I didn't need the codes for level 40 - just lots of coffee and well over an hour! WooHoo!!!
So 'Furiosity' has a winner, and tomorrow something possibly amazing is going to happen to him/her! This is no kidding! And you will find out what. CAN YOU FEEL THE EXCITEMENT???
the solution for LVL 40 is:
27 20 09 14 04 24
11 02 05 31 17 10
35 21 13 28 01 19
25 03 15 32 34 36
08 18 26 07 29 12
30 22 06 23 16 33
i don't know if there is a logic...
Everything was pretty easy until level 31 and now I am utterly stuck.
Finished, did all 40! Though I did use the twitter code for the last level.
HELP!! With #37 Please?!
I really hope the prize will be a walkthrough... especially for level 31 where I've been stuck for the last so-many days!!!
Please.... set me free...
Level 37 -
Step 1: Click the 4-corners of the large starting square grid.
Step 2: Click the 4-boxes that changed color with Step 1
The corners of each of the Step 2 boxes have changed color.
Step 3: Finally select each of the orinignal color boxes on the edges of the large grid (8 boxes). As the boxes are selected, some of the boxes will change color, but keep selecting the 8-boxes.
ok well I got to level 40 and was on the 32 cube when my dad kicked me off the computer for the weekend because I had spent 3 hours straight on it.
I am not going to try for more.
I will now share my progress.
I had the key under the china cabinent but someone must have found it and thrown it away. Well here is waht I can recall:
I'm sorry if it has some inaccuracies, but that's what I recall. this is for what I assume is level 40. Please mention me in you boast about how you won, I'm just a bit too sick of this game to retry and get the prize myself.
Edward Hepher said...
Just beaten level 40 :).
Awesome game Bart!
16 November 2012 02:18
Bart said...
There are 40 levels to beat, and there are already some winners!
16 November 2012 08:56
ok now I am sad, but at my post:
Carrett said...
16 November 2012 01:30
I had about 2 hours from getting it. I had gone 1.5 hours when my dad told me to stop.
evrything worked fine...but the i got to level 34...
Just can`t solve it... :-/
any hints?
@Garrett Brothers
You don't need to use trial and error to solve level 40. btw, your 4 is one row too low and 17 is where your 4 is now. the rest of what you have is correct.
there is a code sequence Bart posted on his twitter account which is the solution to level 40:
4,2 1,1 1,3 4,0 2,1 2,5 3,4 0,4 2,0 5,1 0,1 5,4 2,2 3,0 2,3 4,5 4,1 1,4 5,2 1,0 1,2 1,5 3,5 5,0 0,3 2,4 0,0 3,2 4,4 0,5 3,1 3,3 5,5 4,3 0,2 5,3
as already mentioned in another post you read the numbers as follows: each square has two coordinates, one horizontal and one vertical. the first square on the top left is 0,0 the one to the right of that is 1,0. the top row is thus 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0. the row below is 0,1 1,1 2,1 3,1 4,1, 5,1. this continues down until the final square at the bottom right is 5,5
Hope this helps. And sorry for the frustration you must have endured. I also started off and did a lot manually before finding the solution.
solution to level 34:
if you click all 4 square for any square of 2x2, the color of those 4 squares changes while the rest of the grid stays the same.
for example, start with:
01 02 03 04 05 06
07 08 09 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36
all in one color.
if you click 08, 09, 14, and 15, the grid would look af follows (bold is different color):
01 02 03 04 05 06
07 08 09 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36
all you have to do is find the right division of the entire 6x6 grid to make the entire grid change color.
I usually do not find these too challenging but there were a few that had quiet the challenge. I finished as well.
A harder set of this type, not my favorite type either but I did finally finish them.
To celebrate my "sugar, sugar" app was released 4 weeks ago, I'm doing a big iOS promocode giveaway on twitter in half an hour! Your chance to get a free copy if you don't have it already... See you then?
Here's my twitter feed: http://www.twitter.com/bartbonte
UPDATE: Furiosity now has an official winner. The winner won a possibly amazing prize
I solved 34 with this order:
1 13 21 24 17 7
25 2 14 18 8 32
33 26 3 9 31 35
36 30 10 4 27 34
29 11 19 15 5 28
12 20 23 22 16 6
I don't know if it's the easiest, but it worked for me :)
any help for 25 ?? at the beggining looks easy but after i stuck ( sorry for my english )
nobody can help me about 25 ? :(
Can someone p-p-p-p-please help me on 31?
OMG I managed to pass lvl 31!!!! No hints to give though, sorry. I just tried to understand the pattern and finally was able to finish
For 31: Click a blue square and then click the yellow square that lights up. Then click another blue square and the yellow
oops ^ i meant 32
Level 39 : thk you so much Anonymous 18 November 2012 08:03 !!!
OMG me too! I passed level 31 just by trying to understand the pattern (like I did the other 999 times I tried) and it worked.
I think I was so pissed off with Anonymous' comment about solving level 31 that some sort of magic happened.
I'm really sorry that I cannot give any hint or help whatsoever to anybody else :(
I finished it.
Life is so beautiful.
Thanks to Anonymous 18 November 2012 11:16 for her/his help on level 39.
Thanks to all the people that were stuck here and there with me all along the game.
Someone please give more clear directions for level 39 than Anon @18 November 2012 11:16.
I'm just clicking all the diagonals because I don't understand what they are trying to say..
Any help?
Well I finally got past level 22 and now am stuck on level 31. I guess it means I am normal if the levels I get stuck on are the same ones others get stuck on.
any help for 25 ??please !!
finally i passed 25 !! lets see 26 ..
passed 26 too !! ok lets go on 27 now
any help for 29 ?
I got a big H on level 31. :-D Can't pass it though. :-(
I forgot to say can someone help me on 31!!
any help for 38 ???
Ah ha! for 28 click the even squares! Start at 2 and click 2-4-6-8 etc.
Level 22 killed me.
Great great great game anyway.
31: Start on the far right column, and click every square going down, which will fill in the row.
Then logic comes into play, going column by column click the squares that are below the ones that are not blue to fill in the next column. Keep going column by column, it does work.
Sorry I couldnt explain it better.
@Seaduckie thank you soooooo much for level six, didn't get it at first but just figured it out ;)
any help for 39 ??
Thanks very much for the walkthrough for 31.
But is blue the color you started off with or is it the color you are trying to turn all the tiles to?
I really think you should make 31 clearer.
31 has officially killed my brain. I'm making it official.
Also stuck on level 31... Can you explain your walkthrough a little more clearly?
i got 31!!!
i clicked the all squares in both diagonals, then clicked the four blue corners on the interior, then played around with it, and got it! remember, the pattern is an h
i am done done done done DONE!!!!
with a little help from your walkthroughs, of course.
steven, your lamps are pretty cool. awesome, actually!!!
FINALLY!!!!!!! I am DONE!! lol I was stuck on 39 forever! Thanks everyone for their help! :D
I'm stuck on level 28.
I can't beat level 28. Fuck!
Help on Level 29!! Any ints are much appreciated!
For those stuck on level 39: click each of the boxes marked with an "X" (in this comment), once. The boxes marked with a "|_|" should not be clicked (or clicked an even number of times, if you so choose :P).
|X| |_| |X| |X| |_| |X|
|_| |X| |X| |X| |X| |_|
|X| |X| |X| |X| |X| |X|
|X| |X| |X| |X| |X| |X|
|_| |X| |X| |X| |X| |_|
|X| |_| |X| |X| |_| |X|
Hope this helps! :-)
Can you guys help me out on level 26?
Solved level 26... only to get stuck on LV. 29!
@Anonymous 25 November 2012 02:38
Thanks for the walkthrough, but I can't figure out what you meant by "logic comes to play". A little hint please?
Hi, my name is Vickie and Im 63 years old.I am on level 37.The problem is the game is frozen.I press the square in all places but nothing happens.Any suggestions?
Hello Vickie - I saw your post/question on March 28,2014. I played furiosity and solved all the levels back in 2012. For fun I started again today.
I do not believe the furiosity comments are monitored regularly, as the last post was dated 2012. It sounds like the game may have frozen. For me, when I close the game the next time I start it, it asks whether I want to start new or from my last level tried. Hopefully if the game is frozen it will start you at level 37. Otherwise, when I reach 37 maybe I can help.
Currently I am level 31. Hopefully up to level 37 in the next couple of days as I only play as time allows.
Hello Vickie- I finished the game today. I am certain level 37 was frozen. Hopefully with restarting a fresh level 37 can be found.
Sorry you had trouble -Z
Hello Vickie and zbeaker, I think the confusing comes from the fact that you are talking about level 37 of the mobile (144 levels) version :)
In that level can seem like nothing you do is responding, unless you do it like this:
- click every cell on the first row, start with first one,
- then every cell on the second row
- etc...
Hope this helps, cheers!
Thanks Bart! Hopefully Vickie was able to finish.
level 6? i cant do it any help out there for me
lvl 6 anyone PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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