Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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October 22, 2011
jacko in hell

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Why the obsession with yelling first? I don't get it - and it's not tolerated on many websites because it's considered so annoying and spam-like.
This game was fun up until you had to feel your way around in the dark with the limited light coming from the head. At that point I threw in the towel.
Nice game, but buggy sometimes with the explosives. I also didn't enjoy the controls; i had to jump some standard gaps several times because you need to go to over the edge in order to reach the other end.
Lol, if you go to "Jacko's world" (when you press J) you can then click on "cheats" to see a cheat box. If you click cheat list, it tells them to you. Here is the list:
1: All skills - 3842
2: Low Gravity - 5510
3: Grayscale - 6032
4: All doors opened - 4145
I like having a map in games like these, I'm easily confused, lol. And I agree with anonymous at 14:33, when I kept falling down holes and dying because I couldn't see anything, it got too frustrating...
Nice game, but a bit buggy from time to time... Also, I don't know how much it takes you to finish, but I think it needs a saving feature...
Very glitchy. I'll try it again later to see if the glitches are gone.
Found "dog" and the game froze. Rather annoying. Especially with no "save" feature. Options are to start all over or just give up. BTW: is this from Thomas Brush? Looks just like "Skinny".
I got the leather boots and he vanished!
HAHAHAHAHA! If you put in all of the cheat codes and walk up the stairs on the left of the screen is says "You've Completed Jacko In Hell". That's a quick, easy way to see the ending without having to go though all of the glitches in the game. :)
had to restart it 4 times because there's so many bugs. I give up.
its nice having "all skills" from the cheat, but could someone post a list of the skills and what button to use them?
restarted too many times due to bugs.
threw a bomb. jacko ends up just his head on the ground, doesn't die, no reloading. Got the crow when this happened the last time. If the game could pick up where I left off when I quit I'd finish it. But since I'd have to start from the beginning again I won't bother. Too bad, I liked the game.
This game is way to easy to break/buggy.
SUPER Glitchy!!!
k, so all these glitches are making me tear my hair out! this game seems really interesting, despite the frustrating bugs. I think I must give up :(
I ran to a wall to go get something from the other side(like with the boot)and I threw a bomb the other way. I was blasted into the wall and his head floated in the wall along with about three bones that were spinning around him!!! This place has got to be cursed!!! If you agree with me say so!!!
Also, Anon 19:24, that bird is the spirit of Halloween. (That is the thing "he" tells you to go get in the beginning of the game) All skills include finding things, like the dog for the man or the spirit of Halloween bird thing. You can use your skills by press the space bar, which throws a bomb.(That's for you Alex:)) Sorry I don't know how to use the rest. I do know that his head glowing brighter in the dark is automatic though! C U later!!!
Found a bug. At the book and Lava. It said Lava can give life. So I tried jumping into the Lava, thinking it might turn me into a real boy. I could'nt jump the Lava, so I hit space bar to use an exploding head for the extra jump. Now I'm stuck on an invisible platform above the book. Can't get down. Don't really feel like starting the whole game over. Just thought the maker might want to know.
agree with all...buggy game...blew myself through a locked gate and was trapped on other side...too bad...game has promise
Fun at first, but way too glitchy, and the "bomb as double jump" mechanism was way too difficult. Gave up playing after that.
keeps freezing and i've already started over four times. not doing it again. i'm throwing in the towel. sorry. XP
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