
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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August 20, 2024

pent's wacky, zany road trip to adulthood [browser]

Since the dawn of Pentagon, the five-sides ones achieve full adulthood by driving the famed 'Most Dangerous Road in the World'. Today, destiny calls out to our bored protagonist Pent to fullfill this Herculean task! It's the latest game by Ferociter: Pent's Wacky, Zany Road Trip to Adulthood.


Anonymous said...

Best game ever!

Anonymous said...

One of the dumbest things I've ever seen, apart from Trump supporters.

Anonymous said...

Anyone got a hint to get into the sewer?

Anonymous said...

I had a hard time working through the secret tunnel of the home area.
It led to the right side of the claw machine ,..., then unlocking the waterfall.
I need help with the 3 soccer ball photo location, or the 50$ it is worth.

Anonymous said...

Guffaw! Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Having trouble finding the cloud of despair...and also the secret entrance to below the home, if anyone has any hints

Anonymous said...

I have the after-credits key now, but I have no idea where to use it

Anonymous said...

Have you collected all the gems?

Anonymous said...

Uh. I have the rectangular one. On a related note, how do you access the pit with the hint guy in it?

Anonymous said...

Do you mean behind the waterfall? There are definitely more gems to find

Arlyo2 said...

Secret part of home area starts north of the cow/car.

Anonymous said...

How do you get past the maze with all the arrows? I've managed to get at least part way through a few times, but end up back at the beginning. As soon as I think I'm doing it correctly, I find out on the next screen that no I wasn't.

Anonymous said...

@Arlyo I keep trying to find the entrance in that north area and I can't get it. I have no idea how to access that ladder

Anonymous said...

For the ladder, go to the right side of the screen where there's a duck shaped cactus. Above that one of the walls is strangely flat...

Anonymous said...

For the arrow maze, the instructions only determine what exit you take, you don't have to do anything like walk around it in a certain direction

Anonymous said...

Found the circle gem with the hint, bit embarrassed at myself for missing that one. The other one I have no idea, I know the area that looks suspicious, and I was searching for ages there before getting the hint to find that path, I can't find whatever fake wall there is that leads to the secret surfboard.

Anonymous said...

Finally got the last gem, and did all the stuff and got the last secret. Finally 100% completion.

Anonymous said...

I'm stuck in the back ally puzzle (four exits with rotate left/right signs and left/right arrows). Can someone spoil what those signs mean? Most of the time I can make it to the next level, but I end up getting ejected about 4-5 tries through...

kaz said...

Back Alley (rot13):
Gur yvggyr neebjf gryy lbh jung gb qb jvgu gur ovt neebj orsber lbh sbyybj vg

kaz said... it, though?

Anonymous said...

So where did you found it? I'm lost too, that's the last zone I didn't complete to 100%

Anonymous said...

Just found it! Thank to the Discord!

Anonymous said...

I am confused by the keys you buy.
The area with the soccer balls was blocked by a lock right?
But then it wasn't, so I got the picture & bought the key.
Thing is the next unlock never happened.
Only thing I can try for now is "death by bowling".

Reese said...

The keys you buy are only for the specific colored locks. The gray locks are just unlocked by approaching them from the other side that has the key on it and collecting that key. Going through the bowling area is the correct way forwards. There’s also a secret room which can act as a checkpoint at the bowling pin end of the 3rd lane from the top of that section to make getting past it easier.

Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble finding the lock that opens the final area, the one that needs the carmine key. I'm pretty sure I saw it before I got the key, but now I can't find it.

Anonymous said...

what does this game have to do with trump supporters

Anonymous said...

I've played almost all of ferociter's games, any recomendations for similar games would be appreciated

Anonymous said...

Where is the sewer euro's located?!!!

Reese said...

I believe they’re for the photo task of taking a picture of graffiti in the sewers.

Anonymous said...

There's also a secret room in addition to the photo; check the walls for an oddity very carefully...

Anonymous said...

I've checked all over for the oddity in the walls and I can't find it....WHERE?!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm at 92% on the roundabout area....I'm missing 10 Euros.

Anonymous said...

It was the 2nd bag in the maze....found a glitch and was able to control the car the whole way through!

eszterencs said...

I love this game, the conversations, the exploring, the task, the photo making, but the car driving is makes me really mad. It is very unintuitive, very difficult when you also have to honk, especially after surfing, which has a different type of control. I wish I could set the controls by myself, because I am having serious trouble passing through car challenges, takes too much time and practise, even with the checkpoints. It really kills the fun. I am almost finished, I try not give up at this point, but I am not sure if I able to finish.

eszterencs said...

I made the map 100%, I got the last key, but I just cannot finish the game. I have spent more than a week just with trying to do the (last?) car challange, trying it every day like a 100 times, but it is way too difficult. :-( I feel very disappointed I have to give up at this point without the satisfaction of really finishing the game. I wish there would be some checkpoints in this car race. I played other Ferociter games, they were finishable, but not this one. :-(((


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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