If you don't have the app on your mobile or tablet, you can get it for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch on iTunes, for your Android device on Google Play, or for Android/Kindle Fire on Amazon.
Note that I'm not planning to release a mobile "sugar, sugar 2" but I will keep on expanding this original app with more levels in future updates! Oh, and if you haven't done so already, please leave a rating and/or a comment in the app store, thanks!
The bad thing is i never finished level 53 because...i'm just too dumb to be able to do it. :(
Same! 53 is the one that did it for me. I've managed to whittle it down to having to start in reverse (to get the white into the orange/white cup), then NOTHING.
I made a video that shows a possible solution for level 53: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4bIbx1tAos&sns=em, hope this helps!
Did you mean "sugar, sugar" app cupdate
Still don't think it's fair on us that only have a normal old fashioned computer - I LOVE sugar sugar and this is such a tease, Bart!
Thats really good news, Bart!
I played all that old levels 100 times, desperately waiting for sugar 2 to download to my tablet. Now this big update ... thanks!
Loving it! This is the first time I've actually paid for an app. :)
I ended 75 with orange then blue then green. I wonder what order most people finish?
ok thanks bart! If i get stuck again that might be a problem but it doesn't matter right now.
Also i can't believe it wasn't just me who struggled on level 53.
I would love to play this on my tablet, but boy is it ever complicated to get this app! I have never bought one before and want to get this, but I'm afraid it's way too complicated. I am so confused. Sorry, Bart. I'll stick to the games here.
PUH-LEEZ make the update for computers!! I have a large phone and still can't play sugar, sugar on it. If you have finger nails at all, it is impossible!! I'm such a sugar, sugar addict that I will open 4 windows and play all 4 versions simultaneously!! Knowing that there are levels out there that I haven't played is torture! Are you considering releasing the update for computers?
make a sugar sugar 4
i meant sugar sugar lvl pack
VERY disapointed that I can't access the levels beyond level 3, as I only use a laptop, due to not being able to manage smaller devices due to poor eyesight. This is becoming on ongoing issue with many new developments not being designed for computers.
I don't understand Carolyn, are you playing the sugar sugar mobile app on a computer?
Few things...
1. Level 53 is so hard!!!
2. Make more teleportation levels
3. There is a bug on Level 41 when I play it
Also the first update was on 2014
The second one is one 2016
Can this year have the update?
My sugar game will be updated with 35 new levels tomorrow
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