Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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August 21, 2015
skipping stones to lonely homes

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Interesting game - very unique.
I don't know how to pick up the wood :-) Help please.
I don't get how it works.
You have to use the stones to make bridges across the islands. If you send a stone past a green floating thingy, the wake will propel it also.
And I am stuck. I got across three stones and now can't figure out how to move on.
There should be a hint option.
I think I'll have to pass on this one... I can't even seem to make the first bridge
Very interesting! But it's super tough.
Finally made it, but that was a hard one. Had to think a lot outside the box.
Great puzzlescript variant. I like the single game approach instead of the usual series of levels. I had fun figuring things out but the game could probably use one or two more instructions, especially that you can use two stones to make a one space bridge and that you can redirect streams with a sunken stone. Would love to see more of this.
I got to a point where the game creator said he screwed up the puzzle, and I should restart. So I started over, and I found a separate path that lead me to 'Treasure 1'
but now I'm stuck. Help?
Stuck on what I think is screen number 6. Feel like I'm missing stones to get across :\
Ahoy, mateys! There's treasure in them thar islands! Buried treasure. I thought those x's were suspicious the first time through the game. I've gone back and reached four, thus far. The trouble is, once you find a chest you then have to figure out how to get back on course.
Definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome... I'm missing something, somewhere...
Hello! Can please anyone explain to me why when I visit this page most of the time it says "500 internal server error"?
Anon@7:11-If I'm correct, you're stuck on the level with only one lily pad and 4 islands?
To do this one, you need four stones so make sure you bring the leftover stone from the last level. Bring the lily pad down, then right. Then, use sunken stones to create the rest of the path.
Sorry if that was confusing, I'm bad at explaining things :)
@Sid The Kid: Thanks! I'll give it a try :)
Well I feel kind of stupid. I've been stuck on the level of four islands for a few days, not knowing I can move the lily pads when there is a stone on it :\ Let's just say there's a reason why I post anonymously.
I had a similar misconception about the game mechanics. I didn't initially realize you could jump on/off a green pad while it was in motion. Finally I reached a point where I knew a level was unsolvable under my original assumptions, forcing me to experiment until I discovered what I'd been missing.
Just got this message: "Sorry but I screwed up and this puzzle might not be possible. Please start over? My fault not yours :( :( :("
I think Sid the Kid mentioned getting this. I've been casually chipping away at this game, doing a couple levels a day, but I can't say I particularly want to start over. Has anyone else gotten this?
One thing I don't like about this game is that I'm always paranoid that I went the "wrong way", or that I arrived someplace in an unintended manner, leaving me stuck. And now it looks like that may have actually happened?
Finally. Now to go back and get the treasures.
Great game! Really tests your lateral thinking. Unfortunately I seem to be stuck on the level with a square-shaped current. Help?
If you play the game on the "hack" page you can resize the screen and toggle the editor (hit "e") to make changes to the screen on the fly! A great way to cheat, of course, but also a way to experiment.
To qazwsx: You need to get all four lily pads positioned so you can hop to next isle.
Well, it took me a week, but I finally sailed back home with all 7 treasures (and a now useless palm tree). Whew. That was tough. I don't see how the game can be "won" without first building a game map. I kept mine open in a graphics program so I could see the relation of the levels. Great game, though. Even better than Train Braining. Many thanks, Alan.
I was stuck there for a week or so. I finally completed that level a few minutes ago. If you still need help, let me know and we'll figure something out. I don't want to post spoilers on here!
Thanks so much for the help! I think I should be good for now. Really appreciate it :)
i'm stuck for more than 1 week in this place: four islands, the current make a 90° angle, with three rocks and one lilly pad.
please set me free !!
If you are where i think you are then you deflect the lily pad into the stream then jump aboard then jump off at the next island.
i'm on the way back to the boat. on a island with a treasure.
two screens from the left side of the whirlpool (sorry for my english)
I finaly sailed back home but only have 2 treasures, one at the beginning and one at the end, after arriving home. Now I have absolutely no idea how to get the other 5. Already did the whole 'trip' several times again, but still no idea. Any suggestions?
So stuck right know. Not sure where I am but there are three islands and three currents. One of the currents are going all over the map and starts at the bottom and travels to the island in the upright corner. The other two are located on the right side of the screen, one leading in to the screen and one out. I don't even know where I am suppose to go!
This is a tricky puzzle but is made harder by two things, not being able to see the whole game map and having to discover several crucial game mechanics on your own. For instance, you can jump on a lily pad as it passes you; you can "knock" a lily pad out of a stream with a stone; a certain amount of fast-twitch movement is required in a few places; and most of all there are a number of screens where there's more than one way to move on. Several of these different routes take you to the treasure islands. One basic tip: on the very first screen (with the ship), don't use the lily pads to get across the gap. You'll need one of those two stones a lot later in the game.
very goooood !
but very hard, too.
(took me more than two weeks to sail back home with the 7 treasures)
thanks, that was nice.
Too tough. I give up.
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