Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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October 16, 2012
escape the candy factory

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First, not last
help... stuck in the room which has the arrows and clipboard. don't know what to do
oh done... now i can't get the red thing out of the drain
hallo Bart ik wou je even bedanken voor de leuke games
I need the green crystal - how do i turn off the mixer?
nice and easy :-)
@ isi: just put in the number of mixer in to de keypad:-)
Not bad, but a little more of a pay-off when you escape would be nice.
Too dark. Can't see anything.
Nice. Thank you Bart :)
Not showing up on iPad (using a friend's iPad for the first time)
I am stuck, I have a screwdriver, and think the next thing I need to do is figure out the FLOW puzzle, help please
On a side note, who would want to escape a candy factory? i'd just eat it all and hide if I saw someone then follow them out.
Problem solved
Saw a game posted on *Bontegames* with a thumbnail of a box and got all excited.... THPT!!!
Saw a game posted on *Bontegames* with a thumbnail of a box and got all excited.... THPT!!!
Fun, short and relatively simple. Thanks for this one, Bart!
yes, "relatively" simple... meaning that it was not always simple in relation to me :)
Thank you, Bart.
i am just going in "circles" from screen to screen. i turned off the chocolate mixer and now there's nothing else that seems to be happening (or i can make happen). help. XP
i'm with Jessica, can't even seem to get this game started... wtf?!
that was nice i liked it,
thanks 4 sharing
Nice little game. A little hard to get started due to the clues being small and hard to see but easy once you get going. Thanks!
nice!!! fun and quick :)
Can't get last, round, crystal
Never mind. I went back into the restroom and found it.
There were lots of false leads.
Cute game, though.
Dunno if anyone is still playing this, but the hardest part is seeing a key in the green candy machine, once you turn it off. The rest is pretty straight-forward.
There are no leads ASSISSTANCE!
i found the blue, red and orange crystal..but where is the last one?????? cant find :-(
it is in the mixer- to shut the mixer off, type the number on the mixer into the keypad(thanks to croontje)
Walkthrough at:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU5QLv4p1vc (I used it and it works)
if you are wondering hoe to get your red gem out of thedrain then just go into the control room, the one that requires a security card, across from the bathroom, move the chair and at the bottom about under the leg of the table you will have a screwdriver. Go back to the drain and grab the screwdriver and click the gem and it will be out.
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