Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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December 21, 2022

boxing up bamboo [browser]

Just put all the pieces of bamboo into boxes in the puzzler Boxing up Bamboo by Patrick Traynor, created for the Confounding Calendar.


  1. Nice, I feel smart now cause I did it.☺

  2. I must be missing some crucial mechanic, I can only do the ones on the left with the 3 forks, others have me stumped...

  3. Can someone explain how to play this?

  4. Yes, please explain how to play.

  5. Solved.

    You should see it as 4 (or 5 ) loose puzzles.

    Some hint:
    For the bottom one:

    With the grabber you can turn the box.
    Pick up a Bamboo
    Turn the box 180 and release the bamboo
    turn to down and pick up the Bamboo again
    Now it grows down, till you hit the most down bamboo.
    Let it all shrink again to 1 peace sized bamboo.
    Pick up this one peace.

    This is part one of the puzzle

  6. I loved this one, may be my favorite game all year

    Wonderful how dynamics have to be discovered, and the interactions all come together

  7. The Great Unknown22 December 2022 at 00:37

    Game of the year nomination from me, too.

    Take a few mins to learn the mechanics.

    I,E: A box INHALEs or EXHALEs an object
    U, D, L, R: A fork turns an object to face UP, DOWN, RIGHT or LEFT.
    X: A bamboo stem eXtends to meet similar facing stems, and Xs them out.

    East Zone:
    INHALE fork. X the stem. Shrink the row by 3 stems, so 4 remain.
    X the 3rd stem.
    E the fork, then,
    U X L X I I X
    E R I E X I

    South Zone:
    L I D E X I R E
    R I D E X I R E
    D I L E X I R E
    U I L E X I

    West Zone:
    X then click the forks in this order:
    3 3 2 L and grow one stem.
    2 2 2
    3 3 3 U X
    Use the forks to make 3 three stems facing L, then turn them R.
    X I

    North Zone:
    X E I U
    E I I D E E
    Extend the stem 1 length.
    I I I U E E E X I

  8. I wonder when the walkthroughs are getting on YouTube.

  9. Oh my god that was good. Reminds of an old flash advergame from Dyson of all people where you had to extend and retract arms in order to get a ball into a hole. Does anyone else remember this one?

    I'm really at a loss at the people not understanding this. I mean, c'mon...tinker...experiment...it's not that hard to figure out how things work.

  10. Very nice :-)
    It's not immediately obvious, but after some time, and some trial and error, got it.
    Thanks for the hints here and there.

  11. Brilliant. I loved that there were no instructions, and you just figured out the mechanics by trial and error.

  12. Not so much a fan of trial and error like you all are... can someone please explain how this works?

  13. Yes, now I remember the Dyson game! It was so long ago - I wonder if it is still available somewhere.

    The bamboo game is great by the way, the best puzzle game I played in a while. Wish there were more levels.

  14. @Anonymous 19:43
    - clicking a box will box what is in front of it, or unbox what's inside
    - clicking a fork will turn what's in front of it
    - clicking a bamboo will extend it

  15. The Great Unknown22 December 2022 at 22:12

    The Dyson games was called Telescope Game and its still running at at mathisfun.

  16. Walkthrough for Boxing Up Bamboo
