Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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September 05, 2009

on the edge

You're on the edge, don't fall down! Get behind your cursor keys and move the red block onto the red tile by removing all other tiles.


  1. first! haha sorry, had to do it

  2. hehe, this reminds me of sumthing but i can't remember wat...

  3. that game on club penguin that i played wen i was small-er

  4. It's like block drop, except block drop has nicer music and scenery. I find this a bit hard to look at with all the blackness around the tiles and blocks...

  5. ...aaand block drop has wayyy more levels!
    Did anybody else have issues with distinguishing what's a black tile and what's a hole?
    Not too terribly impressed with this one, Bart.

  6. Brownie - the game on CP is called Thin Ice. BTW, it's kind of weird that everyone thinks it's similar to a different game. See for yourself!

    Brownie: Thin Ice
    Carly: Block Drop
    me: Bloxorz


  7. It reminded me of that gem thingie that had all the water in it.

  8. bloxorz OMG it is almost exactly like 'bloxorz' except not as awesome and fun. :P

  9. Got boring rather quickly.

  10. Anonymous it reminds me of bloxorz too just nore like the 1 on club penguin

  11. woah! Bloxorz is even better! Thanks!

  12. I just love this kind of game ! Unfortunately, the mouse pointer seemed to freeze at level 25 - so I quited, started a new game, and finally... came to plug my mouse and keybords again. Sigh...

    Therefore I will come back later in order to end this beautiful game, which is a real good clone of Bloxorz, indeed. :)
